Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cospicua experiences

Cospicua, is a title given to the city of Bormla as it is known to the Maltese. It is a double-fortified harbour city on the Mediterranean island of Malta. It is the largest of the Three Cities. It was also given a title as Citta' Cottonera, but erroneously the title is now used to define the whole region. It is situated between the other two towns which make up Cottonera which are Vittoriosa (Birgu) and Senglea (Isla). These three towns form part of the area surrounding the Grand Harbour and are found on the eastern side of the capital city Valletta. Its population is of 5,642 .

Cospicua celebrates its feast which is held annually on 8 December in honour of the Immaculate Conception.

Cospicua's football team is the St. George's F.C., the oldest on the island. Though the club was officially founded in 1890, documentation shows that by 1885 there were already three football teams at Cospicua.

Tourist attractions

  1. Bir Mula Heritage - an ethnography, social history, anthropology museum and cultural venue
  2. Churches
  3. Fortifications
  4. The Georgian Architecture at the Dock area
  5. Local streets and alleys

Bormla Main Roads

  1. Misraħ Gavino Gulia (Gavino Gulia Square)
  2. Triq il-Ġdida (New Street)
  3. Triq il-Ġublew tal-Fidda (Silver Jubile Street)
  4. Triq il-Kottonera (Cottonera Road)
  5. Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Conception Street)
  6. Triq it-Tliet Ibliet (Three Cities Road)
  7. Triq l-Immakulata (Immacualte Street)
  8. Triq San Franġisk (St Frances Street)
  9. Triq San Gorg (St. George's Street)
  10. Triq San Ġwann t'Għuxa
  11. Triq San Nikola (St Nicholas Street)
  12. Triq San Pawl (St Paul Street)
  13. Triq Santa Tereża (St Theresa Street)
  14. Triq Wiġi Rosato (Luigi Rosato Street)
  15. Xatt ta' Bormla (Cospicua Strand)

Bormla Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  1. Bieb Santa Liena (St. Helen Gate)
  2. Misraħ Santa Margerita (St. Margerith Square)
  3. Sqaq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Alley)
  4. Sqaq l-Erwieħ (Souls Alley)
  5. Sqaq l-Oratorju Nru. 1 u Nru.2 (Oratory Alley No.1 and No.2)
  6. Sqaq San Ġorġ (St. George Alley)
  7. Sqaq San Lazzru (St. Lazzarus Alley)
  8. Sqaq San Mikiel Nru. 1 u Nru.2 (St. Micheal Alley No.1 and No.2)
  9. Sqaq Santa Liena (St. Helen Alley)
  10. Sqaq Santa Tereża (St. Theresa Alley)
  11. Sur San Ġwann (St. John Bastion)
  12. Sur San Klement (St. Clement Bastion)
  13. Sur San Nikola (St. Nicholas Bastion)
  14. Sur San Pawl (St. Paul Bastion)
  15. Sur Santa Liena (St. Helen Bastion)
  16. Triq il-Kampnar (Bell Cot Street)
  17. Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Street)
  18. Triq il-Madonna tal-Grazzja (Our Lady of Graces Street)
  19. Triq il-Pellegrinaġġ (Pilgrimage Street)
  20. Triq is-Sur Notre Dame (Notre Dame Bastion Street)
  21. Triq l-Immakulata (Immaculate Street)
  22. Triq l-Oratorju (Oratory Street)
  23. Triq San Franġisk (St. Frances Street)
  24. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)
  25. Triq San Ġużepp (St. Joseph Street)
  26. Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  27. Triq San Ġwann t'Għuxa (St. John the Baptist Street)
  28. Triq San Lazzru (St. Lazzarus Street)
  29. Triq San Mark (St. Mark Street)
  30. Triq San Mikiel (St. Micheal Street)
  31. Triq San Nikola (St. Nicholas Street)
  32. Triq San Pawl (St. Paul Street)
  33. Triq San Rokku (St. Rocco Street)
  34. Triq Sant' Andrija (St. Andrew Street)
  35. Triq Santa Liena (St. Helen Street)
  36. Triq Santa Margerita (St. Margerith Street)
  37. Triq Santa Marija (St. Mary Street)
  38. Triq Santa Tereża (St. Theresa Street)
  39. Triq tal-Karmnu (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Street)
  40. Wesgħa l-Knisja tan-Nattività (Nativity Church Square)
  41. Żona Fuq San Pawl (Above St. Paul Area)
  42. Żona San Ġwann t'Għuxa (St. John Area)

Monday, September 5, 2016

Fgura experiences

Fgura is a town in Malta. It is one of the 68 local councils.On the surface, Fgura appears to be a new town built around the 1960s. But its outward appearance belies ancient origins. The town has prehistoric roots - there are several tombs in the area - and there is evidence to suggest it was a settlement in Phoenician times. The evidence is that between the 28th of October and the 21st of December 1948, 6 Phoenician tombs were found in Fgura - mostly in Liedna Street. These tombs go back to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. These tombs were in irregular shapes and human skeletons, remains of animals, pottery and other Bronze materials and objects were found. In Fgura, a street was named 'Triq is-Sejba Punika' - in English 'Phoeneician Finding Street' - in honour of this historical finding.

Fgura, lying inland from the Three Cities, was influenced by the growth of the dockyards, especially after World War II. Its northern fringes are bordered by the Cottonera Lines of fortifications while it merges with the towns of Żabbar to the south and Tarxien to the West. Today, Fgura has one of the highest population densities in the country. It expanded recently on the outskirts of the Grand Harbour area and was one of the fastest-growing towns of Malta. Fgura has grown to become one of the foremost commercial areas in the central-southern part of the island.

The coat-of-arms of Fgura is made up of a red horizontal stripe containing three golden 5-pointed stars, centred across a white background. The patron saint of Fgura is Our Lady of Mount Carmel and an annual feast in her honour is celebrated on the second Sunday of July. Fgura also has one of the most peculiar shaped churches in Malta, built in the shape of a tent.

Interesting Places at Fgura

  • Blandun Valley (at Blandun Valley Road)
  • Carmelities Convent (at Carmelities Street)
  • Cross Monument (at Hompesch Road)
  • Fgura Primary School (at Writing Street)
  • Gallerija Complex (at Zabbar Road)
  • Hompesch Arch (at Hompesch Road)
  • Our Lady of Monte Carmel's Parish Church (at R. Miller Square)
  • Polverista Gate (at Cospicua Road)

Fgura Main Roads

  1. Triq Bormla (Cospicua Road)
  2. Triq Ħaż-Żabbar (Zabbar Road)
  3. Triq Hompesch (Hompesch Road)
  4. Triq is-Sur (Bastion Street)
  5. Triq San Tumas (St Thomas Street)
  6. Triq Valperga (Valperga Street)
  7. Vjal Kottoner (Cottoner Avenue)

Fgura Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  • Daħlet in-Niċċa l-Antika (Old Niche Lane)
  • Sqaq il-Koppla (Dome Alley)
  • Triq il-Karmelitani (White Friars Street)
  • Triq il-Karmnu (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Street)
  • Triq il-Koppla (Dome Street)
  • Triq Madre Tereża ta' Kalkuta (Mother Thersa of Calcuta Street)
  • Triq Mater Boni Consilii (Our Lady of Good Council Street)
  • Triq San Franġisk (St. Frances Street)
  • Triq San Ġorġ Preca (St. George Preca Street)
  • Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  • Triq San Mikiel (St. Micheal Street)
  • Triq San Pietru (St. Peter Street)
  • Triq San Tumas (St. Thomas Street)
  • Triq San Xmun (St. Simon Street)
  • Triq Sant' Antnin (St. Anthony Street)
  • Triq Sant' Elija (St. Elias Street)
  • Wied Blandun (Pascal Candle Valley)
  • Triq Kent (Where St. Simon lived)
  • Żona Tal-Patri (Friar's Area)

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Floriana Malta experiences

Floriana or Furjana is a town in Malta, just outside the capital city Valletta. Floriana is the birthplace of many famous Maltese, amongst which the composer of the national anthem, 'L-Innu Malti', Robert Samut; former Bishop of Malta Dom Mauro Caruana and the poet Oliver Friggieri.


  1. Socjeta' Filarmonika Vilhena, or Vilhena Band Club, named after the town's founder.
  2. Pjazza San Publju (St. Publius Square) and the adjacent granaries. St Publius Square has been the venue for many important events in the history of Malta.
  3. The Mall
  4. Centru Rikreattiv ir-Re Gorg V (King George V Recreational Grounds)
  5. Porte des Bombes
  6. Herbert Ganado Gardens
  7. Argotti Botanical Gardens
  8. Msida Bastions Garden of Rest, on Haywharf, another landmark which has been restored and reportedly contains the grave of Mikiel Anton Vassalli, an 18th century writer and reformer who is much associated with Malta's national identity.
  9. Jubilee Grove (which demarcates the town from Hamrun and Pieta)
  10. Valletta Waterfront
  11. Hydrofoil terminal, which is very busy during summertime with daily departures to Sicily.

Main Roads in Floriana

  1. Pjazza E.S. Tonna (E.S. Tonna Square)
  2. Pjazza Robert Samut (Robert Samut Square)
  3. Triq Ġilormu Cassar (Gilormo Cassar Street)
  4. Triq il-Kapuċċini (Capuchins Street)
  5. Telgħat il-Kurċifiss (Crucifix Hill)
  6. Triq il-Mall (Mall Street)
  7. Vjal ir-Re Dwardu VII (King Edward VII Avenue)
  8. Triq l-Assedju l-Kbir (Great Siege Street)
  9. Triq l-Indipendenza (Indipendence Street)
  10. Triq Nazzjonali (National Road)
  11. Triq Pintu (Pinto Street)
  12. Triq Sa Maison (Sa Maison Road)
  13. Triq San Franġisk (St. Frances Street)
  14. Triq San Kalċidonju (St. Calcidonio Street)
  15. Triq Sant' Anna (St Anne Steet)
  16. Triq Sarria (Sarria Street)
  17. Triq V.Dimech (V.Dimech Street)
  18. Triq Vilhena (Vilhena Street)
  19. Xatt it-Tiben (Hay Wharf)

Xatt Lascaris (Lascaris Wharf)
Triq il- Miratur (Gunlayer Street)

Floriana Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  • Foss Notre Dame (Notre Dame Ditch)
  • Ġnien San Filippu (St. Philip's Garden)
  • Mina Notre Dame (Notre Dame Tunnel)
  • Misraħ San Publiju (St. Publius Square)
  • Pjazza l-Papa Ġwanni XXIII (Pope John XXIII Square)
  • Pjazza San Kalċidonju (St. Calcidonio Square)
  • Pjazza Sant' Anna (St. Anne Square)
  • Sur ta' San Ġakmu (St. Jacom Bastion)
  • Sur ta' San Luqa (St. Luke Bastion)
  • Telgħa tal-Kurċifiss (Crucifix Hill)
  • Triq il-Kapuċċini (Capuchine Friars Street)
  • Triq il-Konservatorju (Conservatory Street)
  • Triq l-Isqof Mauro Caruana (Bishop Mauro Caruana Street)
  • Triq San Franġisk (St. Frances Street)
  • Triq San Publiju (St. Publius Street)
  • Triq San Tumas (St. Thomas Street)
  • Triq Sant' Anna (St. Anne Street)

Friday, August 19, 2016

Gharghur experiences

Għargħur is situated on a hilltop between two valleys in the North-East of Malta with a population of 2,389. Its coat of arms is a red star over a red triangle on a silver shield with the motto 'Excelsior' which means 'The Highest'. This motto indicates the fact that this town is geographically one of the highest in Malta.

Some Roman artefacts, found during road construction, were carried to the Domus Romana (Roman Villa), a Roman Villa and Museum, situated in the old town of Rabat. There is documented reference of Għargħur as far back as 1419, in the lists of the Dejma, which was a Militia that guarded the locals from pirate attacks. This settlement suffered from severe de-population during the High Middle Ages and some years later due to continuous pirate attacks.

Għargħur was a rural community living in an area particularly lacking fertile soil and fresh water. Nevertheless, the inhabitants of this area were able to finance the building of a parish church and several other chapels which host Baroque fine arts. The main attraction of the village, besides the countryside, is the parish church dedicated to Saint Bartholomew the Apostle. Its interior is of the Doric order but it has a fine Baroque façade. The original façade was demolished and the one seen today was built in 1743. The church was built between 1610 and 1638 and was designed by Maltese architect Tumas Dingli.

Its treasures include a wooden statue of Saint Bartholomew sculptured in Rome, attributed to Maltese artist Melchiore Gafa. The statue was made circa 1666 and it is believed to be the model for the similar statue in San Giovanni Laterano, Rome. It was brought to the town in 1772. Restorations on it were held in 1912. In 2005 the statue had further preservations and its niche was restructured. The statue is the second heaviest in the Maltese islands.

The Victoria Lines, named after Queen Victoria, and which divide the island of Malta from east to west, passes through this locality. Other fortifications can also be found. Għargħur hosts much of Malta's telecommunication infrastructure.

Prior to the installation of radar, a concave wall was constructed in Għargħur to detect incoming Italian planes during World War II. This building is called "il-Widna" by locals (lit. the ear). Għargħur hosted a number a refugees from the harbour area during that war. These refugees were seeking shelter from the continuous air raids by the Axis Powers. The public school was used as a dormitory for these refugees.

The main event of the year is the village festa which is celebrated on the 24th (if this turns out to be a Sunday) or the last Sunday of August. The statue of the saint is carried shoulder high along the illuminated streets of the village accompanied by musical bands. A display of colourful fireworks, ends the village festival. Many tourists tend to take part in the celebration of the saint's day, by visiting the church and the well-known fireworks display.

In modern times a controversy has risen over the real name of this village - whether it should be called Gargur or Ħal-Għargħur. The original name was Ħal-Għargħur (pronounced hal- arur). 'Ħal' is an old abbreviation of 'Rahal', which mean a "village/small town". 'Gharghur' most probably derives from 'Gregorio' in the middle of the 15th century, the village was called Casal Gregorio. The current pronunciation is possibly related to the influence of English rule (1800-1964).. It is also possible that the name Gregorio emerged as a result of the process of Italianisation which the Maltese language underwent. Similar example are the names of the town of Żurrieq, which on official documents appeared as Zurico and Naxxar, which on various documents and maps was referred to as Nascario. Most probably, the name Għargħur derives from the Għargħar, Malta's national tree. It is interesting to note that in the North-Eastern part of Malta there are other place names which possibly have their origin to this particular tree. These are San Ġwann ta' l-Għargħar and Il-Ħotba ta' l-Għargħar.

Interesting Places

  1. Oratory (at Oratory Street)
  2. Santa Marija ta' Żellieqa Chapel (at Madliena Road)
  3. St. Bartholmew's Parish Church (at Church Square)
  4. St. John's Chapel (at St. John Street)
  5. St. Nicholas' Chapel (at St. Nicholas Street)
  6. Tal-Ferħa Home (at Ċawl Street)
  7. Wied id-Dis
  8. Wied l-Anġlu (at Bishop Gargallo Street)
  9. Zones in Għargħur
  10. Birguma
  11. Ġwiedi
  12. Il-Fanal (The Lantern)
  13. Tal-Ferħa Estate (Joy's Estate)
  14. Tax-Xiħ (Old Man's Village)
  15. Wied Anġlu (Angel Valley)
  16. Wied Santa Marija taż-Żellieqa (Saint Mary of the Slippery Valley)
  17. Xwieki

Għargħur Main Roads

  1. Triq Caravaggio (Carravaggio Street)
  2. Triq E.M.Perren (Perren Street)
  3. Triq il-31 ta' Marzu (31st March Street)
  4. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  5. Triq il-Madliena (Madliena Road)
  6. Triq il-Wiesgħa (Wide Street)
  7. Triq in-Naxxar (Naxxar Road)
  8. Triq ir-Repubblika (Republic Street)
  9. Triq l-Oratorju (Oratory Street)
  10. Triq Monsinjur Lwiġi Catania (Mgr. Luigi Catania Street)
  11. Triq San Bartolomew (St. Bartholomeo Street)
  12. Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  13. Triq Santa Katerina (St. Catherine Street)
  14. Triq Stiefnu Zerafa (Stephen Zerafa Street)
  15. Triq Tal-Balal (Tal-Balal Road)

Għargħur Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  1. Ġnien San Pawl (St. Paul's Garden)
  2. Għar San Brinkaw (St. Patrick's Cave)
  3. Misraħ il-Knisja (Church Square)
  4. Sqaq ir-Rużarju (Rosary Alley)
  5. Sqaq San Ġwann Nru.1 sa Nru.3 (St. John Alley No.1 to No.3)
  6. Sqaq San Nikola (St. Nicholas Alley)
  7. Triq l-Oratorju (Oratory Street)
  8. Triq San Bartilmew (St. Bartholemeo Street)
  9. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)
  10. Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  11. Triq San Nikola (St. Nicholas Street)
  12. Triq Santa Katerina (St. Catherine Street)
  13. Triq Santa Margerita (St. Margerith Street)
  14. Triq Santa Marija taż-Żellieqa (St. Mary of Zellieqa Street)
  15. Wied Anġlu (Angel Valley)
  16. Wied Santa Marija taż-Żellieqa (St. Mary of Zellieqa Valley)

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Gudja Malta

Gudja is a village in Malta with a population of 2,901. The village is located on a small hill south of the city of Valletta overlooking Malta International Airport.

Gudja's coat of arms bears the motto "PLURIBUS PARENS", which means "Mother of many children". These children are Safi, Kirkop, Ħal-Farruġ, Luqa, Mqabba and Tarxien, which at one time these were all part of the parish church of Gudja.

The village has a palace called Palazzo Bettina and it is believed that Napoleon lived there during his short stay in Malta, when Malta was being ruled by the French.

The parish church is dedicated to the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and it's the only one in Malta with 3 bell towers. The most conspicuous of these is the William Baker Tower, built in the 1880s by this English architect.

The Church inside offers some interesting objets d' arte. The titular painting of the Assumption of the Virgin was painted by the Italian painter Pietro Gagliardi in 1887. The same painter was commissioned with the painting 'Our Lady of the Carmel' in 1889. Another interesting painting is 'The Death of Saint Joseph', painted by the Italian artist Domenico Bruschi in 1894. The most important sculpture inside the church was sculpted out of solid wood in 1807 by the Maltese Vincenzo Dimech.

Gudja also has a famous 500 year-old chapel of Bir Miftuħ (which means "open well").

An architect who is famous for his architectural projects during the Knights of St. John era, Girolamo Cassar, was born in Gudja.

Pop singer Madonna stayed in Gudja during her short visit in the island.

Gudja also has a football team, known as Gudja United F.C. The club enjoyed a successful period in the 1980s when they narrowly lost promotion to the 1st Division.

Gudja Main Roads

  1. Dawret il-Gudja (Gudja By-Pass)
  2. Triq Bir Miftuħ (Bir Miftuh Road)
  3. Triq Ħal-Far (Hal Far Road)
  4. Triq Ħal-Għaxaq (Ghaxaq Road)
  5. Triq Ħal-Tarxien (Tarxien Road)
  6. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  7. Triq iż-Żebbuġa (Olive Street)
  8. Triq Raymond Caruana (Raymond Caruana Street)
  9. Vjal l-Avjazzjoni (Aviattion Avenue)

Gudja Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  1. Sqaq Santa Katerina Nru.2 u Nru.3 (St. Catherine Alley No.2 and No.3)
  2. Sqaq Santa Marija (St. Mary Alley)
  3. Triq il-Kappillan (Chaplin Street)
  4. Triq l-Annunzjata (Annunciation Street)
  5. Triq San Ċiru (St. Cirus Street)
  6. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)
  7. Triq San Mark (St. Mark Street)
  8. Triq San Pawl (St. Paul Street)
  9. Triq Santa Katerina (St. Catherine Street)
  10. Triq Santa Marija (St. Mary Street)
  11. Triq Tal-Kappella (Chapel Street)
  12. Żona ta' Loretu (Our Lady of Loreto Area)

Monday, August 1, 2016

Gzira experiences

Gżira is a town in the north-eastern coast of Malta pop. approx. 8,000, between Msida & Sliema, and bordering on Ta' Xbiex, with its famed yacht marina and Embassy Row. The word Gżira means "island" in Maltese, and the town is named after Manoel Island which lies just adjacent to the town. The seafront of Gżira is famed for its breathtaking views of the walled city of Valletta, which are illuminated at night, forming a picturesque backdrop to Manoel Island, the yacht marina and a seafront public garden.

Important Buildings, Associations and Groups in Gżira

Places of Interest:

  • The Strand, and the waterfront shopping district
  • Yacht Marina, and adjacent gardens
  • Monument to the Council of Europe
  • Fort Manoel
  • Parish Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • Empire Stadium


  • Stella Maris College: A boys' Church school run by the Lasallian Brothers.
  • St. Monica School: This is also another modern Catholic Church school. This school for girls, is run by the Augustinian Sisters, Servants of Jesus & Mary. Like Stella Maris College, it caters both for primary as well as secondary education.
  • Antonio Bosio: A Government-run school

Gżira Main Roads

  1. Triq D'Argens (Rue D'Argens)
  2. Triq il-Gżira (Island Street)
  3. Triq l-Imsida (Msida Road)
  4. Triq M.A. Vassalli (Regional Road)
  5. Triq Reggie Miller (Reggie Miller Street)
  6. Triq Tas-Sliema (Sliema Road)
  7. Xatt il-Gżira (Gżira Strand)
  8. Xatt ta' Ta' Xbiex (Ta' Xbiex Strand)

Gżira Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  1. Triq De La Salle (De La Salle Street)
  2. Triq il-Madonna tal-Ġebla (Our Lady of Rock Street)
  3. Triq l-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Street)
  4. Triq San Albert (St. Albert Street)
  5. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Luqa experiences

Luqa is a village located in the south east of Malta. It is an old town that typical of the Maltese Islands in its dense population. The population of Luqa is 6,028. Luqa is quite important to the Maltese economy as the Malta International Airport is located there. It boasts a beautiful Church in its main square, which is dedicated to St. Andrew. The traditional feast of St. Andrew is celebrated on the first Sunday of July, with the liturgical feast being celebrated on the November 30.

Citizens of Luqa vote for their local council every three years, which council consists of seven members one of them being the mayor. The Mayor of Luqa is John Schembri.

The famous clock maker and inventor Michelangelo Sapiano (1825-1913) used to live in Luqa. He invented various kinds of clocks. The clock in the belfry of the Parish Church is one of his many works.

Luqa Main Roads

  1. Triq Garibaldi
  2. Triq Ħal-Far (Hal-Far Road)
  3. Triq Ħal-Farruġ (Hal Farrug Road)
  4. Triq Ħal-Qormi (Qormi Road)
  5. Triq il-Belt Valletta (Valletta Road)
  6. Triq il-Ġdida (New Street)
  7. Triq il-Karmnu (Carmelo Street)
  8. Triq il-Knisja (Church Street)
  9. Triq il-Kunsill ta' l-Ewropa (European Council Road)
  10. Triq il-Mitħna ta' Caraffa (Caraffa's Mill Street)
  11. Triq iż-Żurrieq (Zurrieq Road)
  12. Triq l-Għammieri (Għammieri Road)
  13. Triq ir-Rixtellu (Gate Street)
  14. Triq San Pawl (St. Paul Street)
  15. Triq San Tumas (St Thomas Road)
  16. Triq Sant' Andrija (St Andrew Street)
  17. Triq Wied in-Noqra (Noqra Valley Road)
  18. Vjal l-Avazzjoni (Aviation Avenue)
  19. Vjal l-Avazzjoni Ċivili (Civil Aviation Avenue)
  20. Wesgħat il-Vittmi tal-Gwerra (War Victims Square)

Friday, July 1, 2016

Marsaskala experiences

Marsaskala or Marsascala is a modest sea-side village in Malta that has grown up around the small harbour at the head of Marsaskala Bay, a long narrow inlet also known as Marsaskala Creek. The bay is sheltered to the north by Ras iż-Żonqor, the south-east corner of Malta, and to the south by the headland of Ras il-Gżira.

The village extends along both sides of the bay, and across most of Il-Ħamrija, locally nicknamed Siberia due to its exposure to icy northerly winds in winter and because buildings there are deemed to be too cut off from the centre of the village and church area. Marsaskala boasts a rather modern church, and a very pleasant promenade of shops, restaurants and coffee shops along the long stretch of waterfront.

The shore north of Ras iż-Żonqor is of low cliffs, with shelving rock ledges south of the point. Marsaskala Bay is largely edged by promenade, with low shelving rock ledges cut with salt pans on the seaward face of Ras iċ-Ċerna, which continue on round the eastern point, past l-Abjad iż-Żgħir, and into Il-Bajja ta' San Tumas (St Thomas Bay) to the south.

Though not endowed with much in the way of sandy beaches, the environment is ideal for scuba diving and snorkelling, and the town boasts at least two diving schools.

The parish church is dedicated to Sant Anna (St. Anne) and St Anne's feast is celebrated at the end of July in Marsaskala.

The town has a winter population of 9,298 people, but this swells to around 20,000 in summer.

The name Marsascala is derived from Marsaskala. Different opinions exist regarding the origin of the name Marsaskala. While it is commonly agreed that Marsa is an Arabic word meaning bay, Skala has given rise to different interpretations. It could have been derived from Sqalli (Sicilian) for Marsaskala was frequented by Sicilian fishermen since Malta is just 60 miles south from Sicily. Maybe it was derived from the Sicilian 'Piccola Cala' meaning little inlet or it was just a reference to some rock-cut steps on the water's edge. (Skala also means a straight flight of steps).

Marsaskala is better known as Wied il-Għajn by the Maltese as the bay and the old small village are flanked by two valleys, through which a spring of fresh water used to flow down into the innermost bay. Wied means valley and Għajn (pronounced ayn) refers to the spring of fresh water. Literally, Wied il-Għajn means Valley of the Spring.

Marsaskala main roads

  • Triq Ħaż-Żabbar (Zabbar Road)
  • Triq id-Daħla ta' San Tumas (St Thomas Bay Road)
  • Triq il-Qaliet (Qaliet Street)
  • Triq is-Salini (Salini Street)
  • Triq ix-Xatt (Marina Street)
  • Triq iż-Żonqor (Zonqor Road)
  • Triq La Sengle (La Sengle Street)
  • Triq San Ġużepp (St Joseph Street)
  • Triq San Luqa (St Luke Street)
  • Triq Sant' Anna (St Anne Street)
  • Triq Sant' Antnin (Sant' Antnin Road)
  • Triq Tal-Gardiel (Tal-Gardiel Road)

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Marsaxlokk experiences

Marsaxlokk is a traditional fishing village located in the south-eastern part of Malta, with a population of 3,205 people. The village’s name comes from marsa, which means "harbor" or "bay" in Arabic, and xlokk, which is the local name for the dry sirocco wind that blows from the Sahara; it is pronounced mar-sa-shlok.

Marsaxlokk is the foremost fishing village and, perhaps, the most picturesque seaside locality in Malta. Fishing nets are often spread on the quay to dry in the sun and, quite often, sturdy fishermen can be seen mending these nets. These activities, together with the modest houses by the quayside, lend the place charm and serenity.

Most of Malta's fish supplies are caught by fishermen coming from this port. Swordfish, tuna, and the popular 'lampuki' are caught in abundance between spring and late autumn. On weekdays, the catch is taken to the fish-market in Valletta, but on Sundays fish is retailed by fishermen in the open on the quay.

Fish restaurants have opened to meet the ever-increasing demand. The tourist influx to Marsaxlokk has also attracted many hawkers and souvenir vendors.

Overlooking the northern arm of Marsaxlokk Bay is the hill of Tas-Silġ. This archaeological site contains remains of megalithic temples of the Tarxien phase, with later alterations resembling the Ħaġar Qim model. Bronze Age material was also found scattered around the area.

The site's most important period, however, is considered to be from the end of the 6th century BC to the 1st century AD, with most of the extant structures belonging to the latter part of this span. Again the hill was used as a religious site, this time as a temple dedicated to Astarte/Hera. A number of dedications to both goddesses, or to the one goddess, under both the Phoenician and Greek names, have been found.

The Tas-Silġ site was used again for religious purposes sometime in the 4th century AD, when it was adapted to a new religion, Christianity, and possibly used as a monastery.

The contemporary population of Marsaxlokk is around 4,000. In the past, a great percentage of the population worked as full-time fishermen. The number of working fishermen has decreased, in part because people from other localities have moved to the village.

Marsaxlokk is about 35 minutes from Valletta by public bus. The bay is memorable for the many decorative "eyed" boats, called luzzus. The painted eyes on these luzzus are believed to protect the boats from the evil eye.

It is in this "bay of the sirocco" (Xlokk) that the first Phoenicians landed and set up trading posts on Malta, during the ninth century BC. During the Great Siege, Marsaxlokk harbor was also used as an anchorage by the Turkish fleet.

In recent decades, the village has been the site for wet bulk operations. Malta's new main power station is here. Discharge of petroleum products takes place mainly at the Enemalta discharge installation point at Birżebbuġa. Apart from this, Oil Tanking (Malta) Ltd. operates an independent oil terminal at Marsaxlokk, which has discharge and loading points along the breakwater pier and offers storage, blending, and bunkering facilities.

New shipping trends and the introduction of large, specialised container vessels meant that, for Malta to take advantage of its position at the crossroads of numerous shipping routes, a new facility for container shipping had to be built. The Malta Freeport Terminal, at Marsaxlokk, has developed into a major container terminal in the Mediterranean, equipped with the latest in technology and serving many of the giant operators in the container carrier sector.

Marsaxlokk Main Roads

  1. Triq Delimara (Delimara Road)
  2. Triq it-Torri Vendome (Vendome Tower Street)
  3. Triq iż-Żejtun (Zejtun Road)
  4. Triq l-Arżnell (Arznell Street)
  5. Triq Santa Katerina (St. Catherine Street)
  6. Triq Tas-Silġ (Tas-Silg Road)
  7. Triq Tat-Trunċiera (Trunciera Street)
  8. Xatt is-Sajjieda (Fishermen Strand)

Friday, June 17, 2016

Senglea experiences

Senglea is a fortified city in the east of Malta, mainly in the Grand Harbour area. It is one of the Three Cities, with the other two being Cospicua and Vittoriosa. The city of Senglea is also called Citta Invicta, because it managed to resist the Ottoman invasion at the Great Siege of 1565. The proper name is Senglea since the grandmaster who built it Claude De La Sengle, gave this city a part of his name.The island was in fact joined by a landbridge to Cospicua during the time of the Knights of St. John and as a result, it became peninsular in shape. During the time of the Knights of St. John, Senglea was also used as a hunting area, and was in fact known as L'Isola di San Giuliano, but later it was developed and made inhabitable by the Grand Master, Claude de la Sengle who built fortifications following a Turkish invasion in 1551. The locality eventually became known as Senglea but retained its old name Isla.

Senglea is particularly famous for the miraculous statue of Jesus Christ The Redeemer (Ir-Redentur ta` l-Isla), located in the oratory of the basilica which is dedicated to the birth of the Virgin Mary (Marija Bambina).

Senglea also has a statue dedicated to Mary, mother of Jesus, which is often referred to as Il Madonna Tan-Nofs, literally meaning "Our Lady Of The Centre". It was originally erected in the city center during the time of the plague, as gratitude, for being the only town not contaminated.

We must not forget the local band club, currently named "Socjeta Filarmonika La Vincitrice". The society recently changed the band name to its former name , with the last being "Queen's Own Band Club". The local band can be seen especially during the feast of Senglea. The band also has an important role in the Good Friday procession and Easter celebrations. Lastly the band also plays xmas carols during the procession organised by the M.U.S.E.U.M on Xmas Eve. The band is currently directed by Mro Brian Cassar, who is mainly a product of the same society.

Senglea Main Roads

  1. Misraħ il-Papa Benedittu XV (Pope Benedict XV Square)
  2. Misraħ l-4 ta' Settembru (4th September Square)
  3. Triq il-31 ta' Marzu (31st March Street)
  4. Triq il-Monsinjur Panzavecchia (Mgr. Panzavecchia Street)
  5. Triq il-Vitorja (Victory Street)
  6. Triq it-Tarzna (Shipbuilding Street)
  7. Triq Mattei (Mattei Street)
  8. Triq San Pawl (St. Paul Street)
  9. Xatt Juan B.Azzopardi (Juan B.Azzopardi Strand)

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Mgarr experiences

Mġarr formerly known as Mgiarro, is a small town northwest of the mainland of Malta. Mgarr is a typical rural village situated in an isolated region, west of Mosta. It is surrounded with rich farmland and vineyards. Many of its 2,995 inhabitants are farmers or are engaged in some sort of agricultural activity. Mġarr's history is that of a farming community, which some of the Mdina patrican families had owned, such as the Vassallo family. Mgiarro was granted by the King of Sicily to the Inguanez family, and over time they sold it to the Falsone family. Over time, land was split up and given to all descendants.

Mġarr today has grown quite large, though still considered a country town with fresh clean air away from the major industrial towns of Malta.

Mġarr's rustic environs embrace several rustic spots like Binġemma, Wardija, Fomm ir-Riħ and Ġnejna Bay.

Mġarr has two important prehistoric sites: Ta' Ħagrat, which is still in a good state of preservation, stands in a field near the village centre; Ta' Skorba, excavated in 1963, lies just outside the village.

Mġarr is a favourite stopping place for people strolling in its countryside and for those travelling in cars to the nearby beaches.

It was only in the beginning of the 20th century that Mġarr got its own parish and fully completed church. The church is one of the largest dome church in the world, after Mosta. The unique shape, that of an oval dome, is attributed to the extensive funds collected from the sale of locally produced eggs: more than 300,000 were sold in aid of the project.

The parish church of St. Mary (the Assumption) is a miniature copy of the Mosta Rotunda. Its building commenced in 1912 and its construction depended on free labour and on the generous contributions earned by the parishioners from the sale of farm products. Despite all efforts to expedite the work, the building was not completed before 1946.

The church stands on high ground and its elevated terrace offers a charming view of the fertile fields and of the neighbouring hillsides. Several old homesteads still exist in the narrow streets around the church. Modern buildings and a housing estate are new additions to the village.

Mġarr Main Roads

  1. Triq Binġemma (Binġemma Road)
  2. Triq Fisher (Fisher Street)
  3. Triq Għajn Tuffieħa (Għajn Tuffieħa Road)
  4. Triq il-Banjijiet Rumani (Roman Baths Road)
  5. Triq il-Ġnejna (Gnejna Road)
  6. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  7. Triq il-Kurat Chetcuti
  8. Triq il-Mosta (Mosta Road)
  9. Triq iż-Żebbiegħ (Żebbiegħ Road)
  10. Triq Sir Harry Luke (Sir Harry Luke Street)
  11. Triq Sir Temi Zammit (Sir Temi Zammit Road)
  12. Wesgħa l-Ġublew (Jubile Square)

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Mosta experiences

Mosta is a town situated in the middle of the island of Malta, to the north-west of Valletta. It has a population of 18,676 people (Nov 2005). In fact a lot of traffic passes through Constitution Street, one of Mosta's main streets which connects the South to the North. Mosta celebrates the feast of Saint Mary the Assumption on the 15th August. This is a very popular feast among the Mostin and tourists alike. Mosta has many legends such as the Mosta Bride (L-Gharusa tal-Mosta) and a lot of historical places such as the Victoria Lines and Medieval chapels. Mosta has its own scouts and girl guides as well as two band clubs (15th August and Santa Marija) and two fire works factories that make spectacular fire works. The main attraction in Mosta is the Rotunda - a huge round church with the third largest unsupported dome in the world.

Mosta Main Roads

  1. Pjazza Kaptan Noel Galea (Captain Noel Galea Square)
  2. Pjazza Rotunda (Rotunda Square)
  3. Triq C.Dimech (C.Dimech Street)
  4. Triq F.Napuljun Tagliaferro (F.Napolione Tagliaferro Street)
  5. Triq id-Dura (Dura Street)
  6. Triq il-Barrieri (Quarries Street)
  7. Triq il-Belt Valletta (Valletta Road)
  8. Triq il-Bidnija (Bidnija Road)
  9. Triq il-Bistra (Bistra Road)
  10. Triq il-Fortizza tal-Mosta (Mosta Fort Street)
  11. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  12. Triq il-Kostituzzjoni (Constitution Street)
  13. Triq il-Kungress Ewkaristiku (Euacharistic Congress Street)
  14. Triq il-Midbaħ (Midbah Street)
  15. Triq il-Missjunsarji Maltin (Maltese Missioners Street)
  16. Triq il-Pont (Bridge Street)
  17. Triq l-Assemblea Nazzjonali
  18. Triq l-Imsiebaħ (Partner Street)
  19. Triq l-Oratorju (Oratory Street)
  20. Triq Sant' Antnon Abati (St Anthony Abbot Street)
  21. Triq Santa Margarita (Santa Margarita Road)
  22. Triq Tal-Bistra (Tal-Bistra Road)
  23. Triq Ponsonby (Ponsonby street)
  24. Vjal il-Qalbiena Mostin (Mosta's Heros Street)
  25. Vjal l-Indipendenza (Independence Avenue)
  26. Vjal Millbrae (Millbrae Avenue)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Mqabba experiences

Mqabba is a small village in the south of Malta, with a population of 3,021 inhabitants.

It is famous for its limestone quarries.Extinct animals were found in Ta' Xantin and Ta' Kandja Quarries.
Paleo Christian catacombs are found in this village - known as Ta' Mintna.
Amongst other important structures, one can find Vincenti Tower, and various chapels such as the Chapel of St. Basil, Our Lady of Sorrows, St. John and St.Catherine of Alexendria.

The main church is dedicated to Assumption of Our Lady.Santa Marija feast in celebrated on the 15th of August. Feasts of secondary importance are those of Corpus Christi, The Immaculate Conception (known as Our Lady of the Lily) and Our Lady of the Rosary.

The titular statue found in the church, that of the Assumption of the blessed Mother of God, was executed by Alessandro Farrugia in 1836, made out of wood. The photograph shows the statue in its original form, as it was prior to 1928, when a new sarcophagus made of silver replaced the original wooden one seen in the picture. Apart from the sarcophagus, the statue itself has lost none of its characteristics.

Mqabba Main Roads

  1. Pjazza tad-Djamanti (Diamonds Square)
  2. Pjazza tal-Knisja (Church Square)
  3. Triq il-Belt Valletta (Valletta Road)
  4. Triq il-Karmnu (Carmelo Street)
  5. Triq il-Konvoj ta' Santa Marija (St Mary Convoy Road)
  6. Triq il-Parroċċa (Parish Street)
  7. Triq il-Qrendi (Qrendi Road)
  8. Triq is-Siġġiewi (Siggiewi Road)
  9. Triq Karmenu Ciantar (Carmelo Ciantar Street)
  10. Triq Tas-Sejba (Tas-Sejba Road)

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Mtarfa experiences

Mtarfa is a small town close to Rabat and Mdina in the north of Malta, with a population of 2,396 people.

Mtarfa is a modern residential area, even though Roman inscriptions attributed to the Temple of Prosperine were found.

Military barracks were built in 1890.
A naval hospital (RNH Mtarfa) for injured persons was built during World War I. This has now been converted to a state secondary school, named after Sir Temi Zammit.
A chapel dedicated to St. Oswald was built by the British, during their occupation of the island.
One of the most famous landmarks of Mtarfa is the clock, built in 1895.

Mtarfa Main Roads

  1. Triq G.Galea (G.Galea Street)
  2. Triq Għajn Qajjet (Ghajn Qajjet Road)
  3. Triq il-Kavallier Vincenzo Bonello (Cav. Vincent Bonello Street)
  4. Triq il-Maltin Internati u Eżiljati
  5. Triq il-Palma (Palm Street)
  6. Triq it-Torri ta' l-Arloġġ (Clock Tower Street)
  7. Triq Leslie Rundle (Leslie Rundle Street)
  8. Triq l-Imtarfa (Mtarfa Road)
  9. Triq l-Infetti (Nfetti Road)
  10. Triq San David (St David Street)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Qormi experiences

Qormi, also known as Ħal Qormi or Città Pinto, is a city in Malta with a population of 16,576. The town is located southwest of Valletta in the centre of Malta. The town enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry, sunny summers and short, cool winters.

The neighbouring towns of Qormi are Marsa, Luqa and Żebbuġ. Qormi sits just off a main road between Mdina and Valletta.

The patron saint of Qormi is Saint George while the protector is Saint Sebastian. For two weeks in summer, the town celebrates the feast of its Saints. The town is also known for its Good Friday procession with over 500 people participating each year, outgoing from the church of Saint George.

The area was settled as early as the Bronze Age. A number of tombs discovered in the past century indicates that the Phoenicians traded with the population. In the fifteenth century, Qormi was established as one of the first parishes in Malta and had the largest parish church in Malta at that stage.

It was known as Casal Fornaro, which means Baker's Village, back in the old days, due to the number of bakers that existed. The town provided bread to most of Malta. The name it has for production of bread has stayed as established bakeries do their utmost to keep up with the name.

Qormi is run by a local council established in 1993 under the Local Councils Act. The Local Council inaugurated a new office block in Triq il-Vitorja (Victory Street), which although they are a few metres away from the old ones, they are now in a much more central position, helping to reach the citizens' needs easier..

Qormi also houses a number of bakeries.

Qormi Main Roads

Qormi (San Ġorġ)

  1. By-Pass ta' l-Imrieħel (Mrieħel By-Pass)
  2. Misraħ San Franġisk (St. Frances Square)
  3. Pjazza Maemple (Maemple Square)
  4. Triq Ġużè Duca (Guzè Duca Road)
  5. Triq il-Ħelsien (Freedom Street)
  6. Triq il-Kardinal Xibberas (Cardinal Xibberas Street)
  7. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  8. Triq il-Vittorja (Victory Street)
  9. Triq il-Wied (Valley Street)
  10. Triq is-Sagħtar (Thyme Street0
  11. Triq l-Isqof Scicluna (Bishop Scicluna Street)
  12. Triq l-Aniċi (Anici Street)
  13. Triq l-Ghaqda (Union Street)
  14. Triq San Gorg (Saint George's Road)

Qormi (San Bastjan)

  1. Dawret il-Ħamrun u l-Marsa (Marsa-Hamrun By-Pass)
  2. Triq Ġużè Duca (Guzè Duca Street)
  3. Triq l-Imdina (Mdina Road)
  4. Triq Ħal-Luqa (Luqa Road)
  5. Triq Ħal-Qormi (Qormi Road)
  6. Triq il-Ġdida (New Street)
  7. Triq il-Kanun (Canon Road)
  8. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  9. Triq il-Masġar (Garden Street)
  10. Triq il-Mitħna (Mill Street)
  11. Triq Manwel Dimech (Manoel Dimech Road)
  12. Triq San Bartilmew (St Bhartolomeo Street)
  13. Triq San Bastjan (St Sebastian Street)
  14. Triq San Dwardu (St Edward Street)

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Siġġiewi experiences

Siġġiewi is situated on a plateau in the South Western part of Malta, a few kilometres away from Mdina, the ancient capital city of Malta, and 10 kilometres away from Valletta the capital city. It is the home of  7903 inhabitants who, up to several decades ago, worked mostly in the fields which surround the village. The meaning of the word "Siġġiewi" is not confirmed; some say that the place was named after the Sageyo's, rich family which had large estates in this area. Others argue that the Semitic roots of the word mean 'prosperous' or calm; two virtues which the villagers still cherish today. In fact the motto of Siġġiewi is "Labore et Virtute"

In its demographic and topographical formation, Siġġiewi followed a pattern common to other villages in Malta. Before the arrival of the Order of St John in 1530, there were other thriving hamlets in the area. Little by little Ħal Xluq, Ħal Kbir, Ħal Niklusi and Ħal Qdieri were absorbed in Siġġiewi and today, only their secluded chapels remind us of their former existence.

Siġġiewi was already established in the 14th century. On December 30 1797, after a formal request by Don Salvatore Curso, on behalf of his parishioners, Grand Master Ferdinand Von Hompesch instituted the village as a city calling it after his name, "Città Ferdinand".

The ruins of the former parish church, dedicated to St Nicholas of Bari are still visible today. Lately, great restoration works have been carried out and retrieved its old glory. The imposing baroque parish church, dedicated to the same saint, was erected by the hardworking villagers who raised the necessary funds between the years 1676-1693. It was designed by the famous Maltese architect, Lorenzo Gafà but underwent some changes throughout the years. The portico and naves were added by Professor Nicola Żammit in the latter half of the 19th century.

The titular painting in the church is by the renowned artist Mattia Preti. 'Il calabrese', who was also responsible for the painting on the vault of St John's Co-Cathedral in Valletta. The wooden statue which is proudly carried in procession in the city feast day (the last Sunday of June) was sculptured by Pietro Felici in 1736. Fours years earlier, in 1732, the same sculptor had produced the magnificent stone statue which still stands in the centre of the spacious square. On its pedestal there is a beautiful prayer in Latin which implores the saint to bless the fields which the faithful laboriously till.

Siġġiewi has a lot to offer to the hundreds of tourists who visit each year. The view from the Inquisitor's summer palace, built by inquisitor Onorato Visconti in 1625 and renovated by inquisitor Angelo Dorini in 1763, is impressive. Today it is the Maltese Prime Minister's official residence. The huge iron cross on huge stone pedestal, erected in 1903 on the hilltop nearby (presumably the highest peak of the island) built at the turn of the century by Don Pawl Laferla (is-Salib ta' l-Għolja or Laferla Cross) is a well-known landmark. The palace of Grand Master Verdalle is one of the residences of the Presidents of the Republic. Adjoining this palace one finds the famous Buskett, a small forest which Grand Masters such as La Vallette used as hunting grounds.

Siġġiewi is also blessed with natural beauty. In the hot summer season, many flock to the picturesque bay of Għar Lapsi to enjoy peaceful atmosphere in a place which has changed but a little since the dawn of creation. From here the islet of Filfla can be seen on the horizon. The village stands on a flat plateau flanked by two relatively deep valleys (Wied il-Hesri and Wied Xkora) which give this locality a secluded feel - a rare aspect in Malta where almost all nearby villages are gradually being engulfed by Malta's only conurbation also known as Valletta's metropolitan area.

There are countless niches in practically every corner of the old part of the city. Some date back to the middle of the 17th century and are a sign of devotion, a tangible manifestation of faith, as well as an architectural decoration. The narrow, winding streets, the alleys branching off from them, the churches and the friendly and helpful people which one encounters are the distinctive features of an old city with a lot to give.

Siġġiewi Main Roads

  1. Pjazza San Nikola (St Nicholas Square)
  2. Triq Blat il-Qamar (Moon's Rocks Street)
  3. Triq Bur il-Kbir
  4. Triq il-Knisja (Church Street)
  5. Triq il-Knisja l-Qadima (Old Church Street)
  6. Triq il-Mitħna (Mill Street)
  7. Triq il-Parroċċa (Parish Street)
  8. Triq it-Tabib Nikola Zammit
  9. Triq l-Imqabba (Mqabba Road)
  10. Triq Lapsi
  11. Triq Mikiel Azzopardi
  12. Triq San Nikola (St Nicholas Street)
  13. Triq Santa Margarita (St Margareth Street)
  14. Triq tan-Nofs (Middle Street)
  15. Triq Dun Manuel Zammit(Fr. Manuel Zammit Street)

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Tarxien experience

Tarxien is a small village found in the southern part of Malta. Today, the village is inhabited by just 7,608 villagers. When the summer comes, the heat drives most of the citizens of Tarxien to the seaside villages of Malta, often bringing down the population of the village to about two-thirds of what it is during the colder months.The parish church of Tarxien is dedicated to the Annunciation. The church was elevated to the status of parish in 1592, making it one of the older parishes of Malta. A key part of Tarxien culture is the feast of the Annunciation, an external feast is celebrated in late May or first Sunday of June. It is celebrated with large fireworks displays. Other feasts are Our Lady of the Doctrine which is celebrated on the third Sunday of July and Our Lady of the Rosary, which is celebrated every first Sunday of October.

There are at least three chapels in Tarxien. These are dedicated to St. Bartholomew, St. Mary and Ta'L-Erwieh respectively.

There is also another chapel which is housed in the convent of the Sisters of Charity. This is dedicated to 'Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception'. The same congregation have a school.

There is also another church and convent which belongs to the Augustinian Friars.

Tarxien Main Roads
Misraħ ir-Repubblika (Republic Square)
Misraħ is-Suq (Market Square)
Triq Birżebbuġa (Birzebbuga Road)
Triq Brittanika (Brittany Street)
Triq Ħal-Tarxien (Tarxien Road)
Triq id-Dejma (Dejma Street)
Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
Triq il-Palma (Palm Street)
Triq Paola (Paola Road)
Triq San Anard (St Leonard Road)
Triq Santa Marija (St Mary Street)
Triq Tal-Barrani (Tal-Barrani Road)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Xgħajra Malta

Xgħajra is a small village in Malta on the coast, about halfway between Valletta and Marsaskala. The population of Xgħajra is 1,234 people.

Its local football club is known as: Xgħajra Tornadoes F.C.

Xgħajra Main Roads
Dawret ix-Xatt (Strand By-Pass)
Triq Ħaż-Żabbar (Zabbar Road)
Triq il-Fortizza tal-Grazzja (Grazzia Fort Street)
Triq il-Knisja (Church Street)
Triq it-Torri ta' Alof de Wignacourt (Alof de Wignacourt Tower Street)

Monday, April 18, 2016

Żabbar Malta- Ħaż-Żabbar

Żabbar is the fourth largest town in Malta, with a population of 14,694. Originally a part of Żejtun, Żabbar was granted the title of Città Hompesch by the last of the Grandmasters of the Knights of St. John to reign in Malta, Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim. The Grandmaster gave his surname to the city, which is still known (in honorem) as Città Hompesch. The name of the city probably derives from the Maltese word 'niżbor', the process of pruning trees. Indeed, a number of families who specialised in żbir, this process, are known to have lived in the vicinity of this village during the Middle Ages. Other possibilities of this derivation exist. Among these there is Zabbar being the surname of an important family living in the area or else Ħaż-Żabbar being a corruption of Ħas-Sabbar (the consoler village) owing to the fact that people from around the island used to visit the village to pray its patron, Our Lady of Graces, for console.

The city is very devout, particularly to Our Lady of Grace, to whom the city Sanctuary is dedicated. A vast number of paintings and other artefacts can be found in the village church museum, most of which have 'VFGA' in some way or other imprinted on them. This is the Latin abbreviation for Votum Fecit, Gratiam Accipit, meaning that a grace has been asked for and it had been granted due to intercession by the Madonna tal-Grazzja (Our Lady of Grace). These paintings are one of the largest votive paintings called Ex-Votos collection, about marine subjects and give large detail about ships of the Knights of Malta era. The Mattia Preti painting, found in the town's museum, is a particularly beautiful and invaluable painting.

Żabbar is famous for its village feast on the first Sunday after the 8th September, which features a motorcycle and bicycle pilgrimage each starting from Mosta and Rabat respectively. This is done because Our Lady Of Graces is the patron of cyclists. Strong competition exists between the village's two band clubs, locally known as the Società Filarmonica Maria Mater Gratiæ (the Blues) and the Għaqda Madonna Tal-Grazzja Banda San Mikiel (the Greens).

This is the birthplace of up and coming vocalist Graziana Axisa.

Band Clubs
Our Lady of Grace's Club - St. Micheal Band (L-Għaqda Madonna tal-Grazzja - Banda San Mikiel)
Maria Mater Gratiae Philarmonic Society (Is-Soċjetà Filarmonika Marija tal-Grazzja)

Żabbar's main football team is St. Patrick's FC.

Amongst the people who came from the village are the former President, Agatha Barbara, Dr. Frans Chetcuti, an education officer.

Due to its ever increasing population (which has more than doubled over the past two decades), a new pastoral zone, known as St. Andrew's, has developed at Żabbar. Moreover, its outlying coastal hamlet, Xgħajra, which only 30 years ago had less than 150 residents, now has a population which is close to 1,000 and it has been hived off Żabbar and become a local council in itself. Marsaskala, or Wied il-Għajn, a bustling seaside town, to the south of Żabbar and formerly a fishing village, once also formed part of Żabbar.

Żabbar Main Roads

  1. Misraħ Medjatriċi (Mediatrice Square)
  2. Triq Bormla (Cospicua Road)
  3. Triq Hompesch (Hompesch Street)
  4. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  5. Triq il-Kunsill ta' l-Ewropa (European Council Street)
  6. Triq il-Kunvent (Convent Street)
  7. Triq il-Lunzjata (Annuciation Street)
  8. Triq il-Mina ta' Hompesch (Hompesch Arch Street)
  9. Triq is-Santwarju (Sanctuary Street)
  10. Triq ix-Xagħjra (Xagħjra Road)
  11. Triq P.Muscat Inglott (Muscat Inglott Street)
  12. Triq San Leonardu (St. Leonard Street)
  13. Triq Sant' Antnin (St. Anthony Street)
  14. Triq Santa Duminka (St. Domenica Street)
  15. Triq tal-Labour (Labour Road)
  16. Triq Villabate (Villabate Street)
  17. Triq Wied il-Għajn (Marsaskala Road)

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Żebbuġ Malta- Ħaż-Żebbuġ

Ħaż-Żebbuġ is one of the oldest towns in Malta. Its population is 11,425 as of 2005 making it the 10th largest town in Malta.

Ħaż-Żebbuġ is renowned for its spectacular festas dedicated to the Patron Saint St. Philip of Agira and to St. Joseph, a secondary feast. There are three band clubs in Ħaż-Żebbuġ, all of which have respective fireworks factories: St. Philip's Band Club (established in 1851 as the first organised band in Malta), De Rohan Band Club (established in 1860) and the 12 May Band and Social Club (established in 1961).

Ħaż-Żebbuġ is the birthplace of various prominent Maltese personalities who have adorned the national cultural history down the ages, such as Mikiel Anton Vassalli (father of the written Maltese language), Dun Mikiel Xerri (patriot), Dun Karm Psaila (Malta's national poet), Antonio Sciortino (sculptor), Lazzaro Pisani (painter), Frans Sammut (leading contemporary author), and Alfred Chircop (foremost contemporary painter).

Ħaż-Żebbuġ boasts a relatively large number of chapels in both the urban and rural parts of this town.

Ħaż-Żebbuġ is the locality where the French Ambassador for Malta has chosen to live during his time in office

Band Clubs

  1. 12th May Band & Social Club (Kazin Banda 12th May)
  2. St. Joseph Club and De Rohan Band (Każin San Ġużepp u Banda De Rohan)

Ħaż-Żebbuġ Main Roads

  1. Misraħ San Filippu (St. Philip Square)
  2. Triq Ħ'Attard (Attard Road)
  3. Triq Ħal-Mula (Hal Mula Road)
  4. Triq il-Buskett (Buskett Road)
  5. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  6. Triq il-Mitħna (Windmill Street)
  7. Triq is-Siġġiewi (Siggiewi Road)
  8. Triq l-Imdina (Mdina Road)
  9. Triq Mikiel Anġ Sapiano (Micheal Angelo Sapiano Street)
  10. Triq Sant' Antnin (St. Anthony Street)
  11. Triq Sciortino (Sciortino Street)
  12. Triq Tal-Grazzja (Tal-Grazzia Road)
  13. Vjal il-Ħelsien (Freedom Avenue)

Monday, April 11, 2016

Żejtun Malta

Żejtun  called Iż-Żejtun is a medium sized town in the south of Malta, which has 11,425 inhabitants, with 13,133 inhabitants. Żejtun possesses the title of Città Beland, which was the mother's surname of Ferdinand von Hompesch zu Bolheim, the Grandmaster of Knights of Malta in 1797. Żejtun takes its name from Arabic az-zaytun [الزيتون] “the olive”, which was one of the main productive industries in Malta. It is also known as Ħal-Bisbut, or Casal Bisbut. The current archpriest is Fr. Eric Overand, while the mayor is Mr. Joe Attard.

In Medieval times the whole district around Żejtun, that is, in the southern end of Malta, was known as le Terre di Santa Caterina, ('the lands of Saint Catherine' in Italian, which was the official language in the period). Various new villages were formed from parts of the Parish of Żejtun, such as Ghaxaq and Marsaxlokk, each now being considered as a separate parish. The local militia regiment of Żejtun was one of the first to engage the Turks in the initial stages of the Great Siege of 1565, but the town continued to suffer attacks by Turkish pirates up to 1614, when an attack by the Turks was repulsed without aid from other militias. The town served a minor role in the French Blockade of 1799/1801 as a depot for soldiers. It was one of the first towns in Malta, outside the main fortifications, to boast a Public Garden, which still stands today, the Luqa Briffa Garden, named after a famous cavalryman during the Great Siege of Malta.

Żejtun passed the British-rule of the Maltese islands as a rural-backwater in the green fields of the Mazza Valley - it had one of the many hospitals in Malta for wounded British and French soldiers in the First World War, which earned the island the nickname of the Nurse of the Mediterranean. With the arrival of Maltese Independence, the town was expanded as home-ownership-schemes, industrial estates and housing estates were built around the old nucleus.

During the last fifty years, the town has been known for fervent political rivalry which culminated in 1987, when a veritable 'battle' was fought between the Nationalist and the Labourite supporters in the main road approaching the town, known as Tal-Barrani. The town is connected to the dark political history of Malta of the 1980s, and unfortunately a low degree of discrimination against its inhabitants is present due to Malta's heated political arena

The village contains various Roman remains, including a Roman Villa, and a Church dedicated to Saint Catherine of Alexandria. The foundation stone was blessed in 1692 and the first archpriest was Dun Pawl Branchel. This Church, which was eventually finished in 1720, was the follower of a previous one, which still stands today on the edge of the town, which was also dedicated to Saint Catherine, but is colloquially known as Saint Gregory's, probably due to the annual procession dedicated to that saint, which in Medieval Times used to start from as far as Mdina.

Żejtun boasts a large number of chapels such as the one dedicated to St. Clement, Our Lady of Good Counsel, The Saviour and The Assumption (known as Santa Marija in Maltese), The Holy Spirit and St. Angelo.

The most important event which takes place in the town during the year is the feast of St. Catherine of Alexandria, which is celebrated in summer and not in the traditional date of the 25th of November. On this day Żejtun's two rival musical bands, the Banda Beland and the Żejtun Band, perform at Gregory Bonnici Square. The anthem dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, sung in Żejtun during the feast, was written by Emmanuele Palmier-Cecy while it was composed by Dun Lawrenz Mifsud. Until the mid-1970s Żejtun used to celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Doctrine as a secondary feast.

Żejtun is considered as the hub of Maltese folk singing, l-għana and the town has given Malta many of its most respected folk singers.

These include Pawlu Seychell l-Għannej (1907-1992), Pawlu Degabriele il-Bies (1908-1980), Mikiel Abela il-Bambinu (1920-1991) and Frans Baldacchino il-Budaj (1943-2006) . Famous current Żejtun folksingers include Fredu Abela iż-Żejtuni and Mikiel Cutajar is-Superstar.

Renowned author Trevor Żahra and traditional instrument maker Ġużi Gatt also hail from Żejtun. Also named for producing the local Talented Mro. Carlo Diacono who was one of Malta's distinguished composers of sacred music. He also conducted his father's band Beland band club.

Another famous composer, born in Żejtun, was Carlo Diacono; His name is currently mostly associated with the name of the Girl's Junior Lyceum (High School), a few streets away from Saint Gregory's Church. Another school in Żejtun worth mentioning is the Primary School, built in Neo-Classical style, during the British Colonial era, that consist of two primary schools, Żejtun Primary 'A' Dun Alwiġ Camilleri and Żejtun Primary 'B'. Few meters from the primary schools there are also the Kindergarten School. At Żejtun find also a church school the Theresa Nuzzo School.

Zones in Żejtun

  1. Bir id-Deheb
  2. Bisbut
  3. Bisqallin
  4. Bulebel Industrial Estate
  5. Gwiedi
  6. Ġebel San Martin
  7. Ħabel l-Abjad
  8. Ħajt il-Wied
  9. Ħal Bajda
  10. Ħal-Ġinwi
  11. Ħal-Ġwann
  12. Ħal-Tmiem Estate
  13. Il-Bajjada
  14. Ix-Xewkija
  15. L-Iskorra l-Kbira
  16. Misraħ Strejnu
  17. Raħal t'Isfel
  18. Ras il-Wied
  19. San Klement
  20. San Tumas
  21. Sant' Antnin
  22. Ta' Ganza
  23. Ta' Klement
  24. Ta' Salvaturi
  25. Ta' San Girgor
  26. Ta' Tablin
  27. Ta' l-Usif
  28. Tal-Kotob
  29. Wied iz-Ziju

Żejtun Main Roads

  1. Misraħ Girgor Bonnici (Gregory Bonnici Square)
  2. Misraħ ir-Repubblika (Republic Square)
  3. Misraħ Karlu Diacono (Carlo Diacono Square)
  4. Triq Alfredo Cachia 3. Żammit
  5. Triq Bir id-Deheb (Bir id-Deheb Road)
  6. Triq Bormla (Cospicua Road)
  7. Triq id-Daħla ta' San Tumas (St. Thomas Bay Road)
  8. Triq il-Labour (Labour Road)
  9. Triq il-Madonna tal-Bon Kunsill (Mater Boni Consigli Street)
  10. Triq il-Madonna tal-Ħniena (Our Lady of Mercy Street)
  11. Triq il-President Anton Buttiġieġ (President A. Buttiġieġ Street)
  12. Triq San Girgor (St. Gregory Street)
  13. Triq Santu Kristu (Santu Kristu Road)
  14. Triq Tal-Barrani (Tal-Barrani Road)
  15. Triq Xrob l-Għaġin (Xrob l-Għaġin Road)
  16. Vjal il-25 ta' Novembru (25th November Avenue)
  17. Wesgħat l-Għajn tal-Bhejjem (Animals' Spring Square)

Friday, April 8, 2016

Żurrieq Malta

Żurrieq or Iż-Żurrieq is one of the oldest towns in Malta, and has a population of 9,816. Żurrieq is situated in the South of Malta. It became a parish in 1436 dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria. The island of Filfla is administratively a part of the town.

Żurrieq is part of the Fifth political District and votes for the local council every three years. The council is made up of seven members, one of them is the Mayor of the town. The present Mayor of Żurrieq is Ignatius Farrugia and the Executive Secretary Adrian Mifsud.

Zurrieq is situated six point eight kilometres ( 6.8 km ) in a direct line from the City of Valletta, and features a wide collection of ruins and remains dating back to the Bronze and Punic times, through the Roman, Knights and British eras. Structures dating back to the 15th and 16th century are scattered throughout the village.

The runes have characteristics which identify the various settlements of peoples that inhabited the village area from the Phoenicians to the Carathaginians, Greeks to the Romans. Examples of such remains include the Punic Tower, Xarolla Catacombs, Cart Ruts at 'Tal-Bakkari', and 'Tal-Hlantun Tower'.

Bands and Clubs
St. Catherine V.M. Band Club (Is-Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Katarina V.M.)
Band Queen Victoria (Secondary feast dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.}

Zones in Żurrieq

  1. Bubaqra
  2. Ħal-Lew
  3. Nigret
  4. Ta' Taħt iċ-Ċint
  5. Ta' Xaqqa
  6. Ta' l-Għerien
  7. Taċ-Ċantar
  8. Tal-Bebbux
  9. Tal-Ġibjun
  10. Wied Ganu
  11. Xarolla

Żurrieq Streets that show the Roman Catholic Religion Faith

  1. Triq Santa Katarina (St. Catherine's Street)
  2. Misraħ San Ġorg (Saint Goerges Square)
  3. Misraħ il-Karmelitani (Carmelites Square)
  4. Sqaq il-Karmnu Nru.1 u Nru.2 (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Alley No.1 and No.2)
  5. Sqaq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Alley)
  6. Sqaq San Anard (St. Leonard Alley)
  7. Sqaq San Bartolimew (St. Bhartolemeo Alley)
  8. Sqaq San Ċiru (St. Ciros Alley)
  9. Sqaq San Edwardu (St. Edward Alley)
  10. Sqaq San Ġakbu (St. James Alley)
  11. Sqaq San Ġużepp (St. Joseph Alley)
  12. Sqaq San Ġwann (St. John Alley0
  13. Trejqa l-Iben il-Ħali
  14. Triq il-Benedittini (Benedictans Street)
  15. Triq il-Karmnu (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Street)
  16. Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Street)
  17. Triq l-Isqof Alpheran (Bishop Alpheran Street)
  18. Triq San Bartilmew (St. Bhartolemeo Street)
  19. Triq San Luqa ( St. Luke Street)
  20. Triq San Bastjan (St. Sebastian Street)
  21. Triq San Ċiru (St. Ciros Street)
  22. Triq San David (St. David Street)
  23. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)
  24. Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  25. Triq San Iljun (St. Lion Street)
  26. Żona Tal-Bambina (The Nativity of Our Lady Area)

Monday, April 4, 2016

Marsa Malta

Marsa or Il-Marsa is a town in the south of Malta, with a population of 5,389 people. Marsa houses the Malta Shipbuilding, now known as the Malta Shipyards. It also houses the power station, which is one of the major sources of power in the Maltese Islands.

Marsa is also home to a Golf Course, and Horse Race Course.

Band Clubs
Holy Trinity Band Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali Trinità Mqaddsa)
Maria Regina Band Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali Marija Reġina)

Marsa Main Roads
By-Pass tal-Marsa (Marsa By-Pass)
Moll iċ-Ċangaturi (Flagstone Wharf)
Moll tal-Ħatab (Coal Wharf)
Triq Aldo Moro (Trunk Road)
Triq Balbi (Balbi Street)
Triq Belt il-Ħażna (Belt il-Hazna Road)
Triq Ħal-Qormi (Qormi Road)
Triq il-Labour (Labour Road)
Triq il-Marsa (Marsa Road)
Triq il-Palma (Palm Street)
Triq is-Sajjieda (Fishermen Street)
Triq is-Salib tal-Marsa (Marsa's Cross Street)
Triq it-Tiġrija (Racing Street)
Triq l-Ingiered (Ingiered Street)
Triq Tat-Tromba (Tromba Road)
Vjal Diċembru Tlettax (13th December Avenue)

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Paceville experiences

Located west of St. Julian's, Malta, Paceville is the name given to an informal district heavily populated with nightclubs, bars, pubs and restaurants, and is considered to be Malta's nightlife capital. Paceville is located between Spinola Point and Dragonara Point, delimiting Spinola Bay and St. George's Bay respectively.
The areas around Paceville after the war were mostly farming communities surrounded with fields, and Paceville itself only had a few restaurants. Unlike today, parking in Paceville was relatively straightforward as people used to park their cars in fields, one of them being the field on which the St. George's Park hotel was built.

Paceville's slow transition into a tourist hub commenced in the 1960s, when two major hotel corporations, the Sheraton and the Hilton, developed five-star hotel properties in the area.

The Sheraton opened its hotel in the Dragonara Peninsula. Prior to its transformation, the Dragonara Hotel served other purposes. Originally it was the summer residence of Malta's wealthiest banker, Marquis Emanuel Scicluna, known as ic-Cisk. In times of war, the palace was converted into a military hospital and headquarters of voluntary services. It was redeveloped as a casino, and has now since been redeveloped again in the 1990s by Westin Hotels.

At around the same time, a number of bars and clubs started to open in the area in view of the increasing number of British servicemen and tourists living in St. Julian's, St. Andrew's and Pembroke. Throughout the years, bars, clubs, discotheques and additional hotels were developed.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Sliema, Malta

Sliema is a town located on the northeast coast of Malta. It is a center for shopping, restaurants and café life. Sliema is also a major commercial and residential area and houses several of Malta's most modern hotels. Sliema, which means 'peace, comfort', was once a quiet fishing village on the peninsula across Marsamxett Harbour from Valletta, but now Sliema and the coastline up to neighbouring St. Julian's constitutes Malta's main coastal resort.

Sliema got its name from a chapel dedicated to The Virgin Mary under the title of Star of the Sea, which served as a beacon and a reference point to the few fishermen who lived in that area. The name could have thus also been connected with the first words of the Hail Mary, which in Maltese is "Sliem Għalik Marija". With the 'Għ' being silent so the first part of the phrase would sound like 'Sliem a'.

Sliema nowadays has a great deal of turnover of foreign expatriates who reside temporarily. The town was also the residence of the late Dr. George Borg Olivier, former prime minister and architect of Malta's independence as well as the birthplace of former prime minister and leader of the opposition, Dr. Alfred Sant. Sliema is also the birthplace of Malta Labour Party Deputy Leader Dr. Michael Falzon, and vocalist Marc Storace of Swiss heavy metal band Krokus. Sliema was also the temporary residence of Manwel Dimech who was one of Malta's leading revolutionary thinkers at the turn of the 20th century. Lower Prince of Wales Road has now been named in his honour. It is also the birthplace of Captain George Stivala O.B.E., who was the High Commissioner for Malta in Australia during the 1950s and 60s, when migration to Australia was at its peak. Sliema is Michael Mifsud's (Coventry City FC Footballer) hometown.

Sliema has a number of churches - such as one dedicated to Jesus of Nazareth known as "In-Nazzarenu" and three dedicated to Our Lady - Stella Maris (which is the oldest and Mother parish church dating from 1878) the Sacre Cuor, and Mount Carmel, and another one dedicated to St. Gregory the Great.

Like all Maltese towns and villages the annual parish feasts are very popular. Especially the feast held in honour of Our Lady Stella Maris (held in August) and that of the Sacre Cour (July) are among the most popular on the island. While to a lesser extent in popularity are those Our Lady of Mount Carmel (July) and St. Gregory (September).

Sliema Main Roads

  1. Ċirku Dingli (Dingli Circus)
  2. Ix-Xatt (The Strand)
  3. Triq Bisazza (Bisazza Street)
  4. Triq Ċensu Xerri (Vincent Xerri Street)]
  5. Triq Għar id-Dud (Ghar id-Dud Road)
  6. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  7. Triq it-Torri (Tower Road)
  8. Triq Manwel Dimech (Manoel Dimech Street)
  9. Triq Rudolfu (Rodolph Street)
  10. Triq Sir Adrian Dingli (Sir Adrian Dingli Street)
  11. Xatt ta' Qui-Si-Sana (Qui-Si-Sana Waterfront)
  12. Xatt ta' Tignè (Tignè Waterfront)

Friday, March 18, 2016

St. Julian's

St. Julian's is a town in Malta situated along the coast, north of the country's capital, Valletta. It is known for tourism-oriented businesses, such as hotels, restaurants and nightclubs, centred mostly in an area known as Paceville.The town is subdivided into informal districts which are Paceville, Ta' Ġiorni, Tal-Għoqod, St. Andrew's, as well as the regions surrounding St. George's Bay, Spinola Bay, Balluta Bay, and Il-Qaliet cliffs.

St. Julian's is a popular town, usually flowing with tourists, especially during the summer months. It is also a well-sought after destination by the Maltese.

The population of St. Julian's is 7,667 people

The earliest documentary evidence is of the pastoral visit of Bishop Tommaso Gargallo of 1601 to this church. He states that he Church was built in 1580 and was dedicated to Saint Julian. In 1736, when Monsignor Alpheran de Bussan re-visited St Julian’s, he noted that the locality was already known as Portus Sancti Juliani, meaning after the patron saint, evidence that the previous medieval name Qaliet Gnien il-Fieres was placed aside. In 1854, the 600 residents of St. Julian's applied to the church authority, in order for St Julian’s to become a parish. The Birkirkara chapter protested strongly against such an application and consequently the application was withheld. Nevertheless, another similar application was send in 1891 and the request was accepted. Dun Guzepp Scerri became the first parish priest.

The town is named after the patron saint of the town, Saint Julian, widely known as Julian the Hospitaller and also as Julian the Poor. Before the reform to the Calendar of Saints, the memorial to St. Julian was on January 27. Nowadays, the is celebrated on February 12, though in Malta an additional feast, in the spirit of the many summer festas around the island, is celebrated on the last Sunday of August.

St. Julians Main Roads

  1. Mini Sun Yat-Sen (Sun Yat-Sen Tunnels)
  2. Pont Ġużè Ellul Mercer (Ellul Mercer Bridge)
  3. Pont Manwel Dimech (M.D. Bridge)
  4. Telgħat San Ġiljan (St. Julian's Hill)
  5. Triq Birkirkara (Birkirkara Road)
  6. Triq Dragunara (Dragonara Road)
  7. Triq Elija Zammit
  8. Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier (George Borg Olivier Street)
  9. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  10. Triq il-Knisja (Church Street)
  11. Triq il-Professur W.Ganado (Profs. W.Ganado Street)
  12. Triq l-Imrabat (Mrabat Street)
  13. Triq Lapsi
  14. Triq Manwel Dimech (Manoel Dimech Street)
  15. Triq Mikiel Anġ' Borg (Micheal Angel Borg Street)
  16. Triq Reġjonali (Regional Road)
  17. Triq San Ġorġ (St George's Road)
  18. Triq Sant' Andrija (St Andrew's Road)
  19. Triq Santu Wistin (St. Augustine Street)
  20. Triq Ta' Ġiorni (Ta' Ġiorni Road)
  21. Xatt ta' San Ġorġ (St. George's Strand)

Monday, March 7, 2016

Mdina - Silent City

Mdina is the old capital of Malta. It is a medieval town, with narrow quiet streets, situated in the centre of the island. It is also known as the "Silent City". It commands a magnificent view of the Island.

Evidence for settlement in Mdina goes back to over 4000 BC. It was first fortified by the Phoenicians around 700 BC, probably because of its strategic location on one of the highest points on the island and as far from the sea as possible. When Malta came under control of the Roman Empire, the Roman Governor built his palace there. It was here in 60 CE that the Apostle St. Paul is said to have lived after being shipwrecked on the Islands. The city earned its present day name from the Sicilian Arabs who came to Malta around 870 CE. They surrounded the city with thick defensive walls and a wide moat, separating it from its nearest town, Rabat.

The Normans conquered Malta in 1091. A strong earthquake in 1693 destroyed a large number of buildings in Mdina. After the earthquake the Cathedral was rebuilt on the designs of the Maltese architect Lorenzo Gafa.

Today, no cars (other than those of a limited number of residents, emergency vehicles, wedding cars and hearses) are allowed in Mdina and there is a calming atmosphere as one walks along its narrow streets and ways. The city displays an unusual mix of Norman and Baroque architecture, including several palaces, most of which serve as private homes. The Cathedral is worth visiting and is fronted by a large square.

Places of interest
St. Paul's Cathedral, Mdina
St. Paul's Cathedral, Mdina
Vilhena Palace
Palazzo Falzon (Norman House)
St. Agatha's Chapel
St. Nicholas' Chapel
Natural History Museum
Mdina Dungeons
Carmelite Church & Convent
Mdina Experience
Benedictine Monastery

Founded in 2006, the Mdina Knights are currently enjoying a positive moment in the third division league organised by Malta's football governing body, the Malta Football Association.

Mdina Main Roads
Misraħ il-Kunsill Ċittà Notabile (Notabile City Council Square)
Pjazza San Pawl (St Paul Square)
Pjazza San Publiju (St Publius Square)
Pjazza ta' l-Arċisqof (Archbishop Square)
Pjazza Tas-Sur (Bastion Square)
Pjazzetta Beata Marija Adeodata Pisani (Blessed Mary Adeodata Pisani Square)
Triq Inguanez (Inguanez Street)
Triq is-Sur (Bastion Street)
Triq San Pawl (St Paul Street)
Triq Santu Rokku (St Rocco Street)
Triq Villegaignon (Villegaignon Street)

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Msida, Malta

Msida is a harbor town in the northeast of Malta. It has a population of 7,623 inhabitants. Although relatively small, it is one of the most important towns in Malta.

Its name comes from an Arabic word meaning "a fisherman's dwelling". However it could also be derived from the word 'Omm Sidna' meaning 'The Mother of Our Lord' since there could have been a small chapel dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God.

Msida was previously an old fishing village. Although it is now more urbanised, some fishermen still operate in the village.

Msida became a parish in 1867. Then the settlement was centered around the hovels located inward at Valley Road, and some nearby ancillary roads and pathways which led up to the quaint district of Villambrosa. This status did not last long however, as a new parish Ħamrun was hived off in 1881. Today the lowest part of Villambrosa Street remains a silent reminder of Msida's jurisdiction in this area. Msida would also eventually see parts of its territory lost to new parishes at Santa Venera in 1918, Pietà in 1968 and Ta' Xbiex in 1969.

Its population, which at one time numbered 11,000, thus also dwindled to a mere 6,000. However the recent aforementioned demands as well as residential developments in the outlying suburb of Swatar, have now seen an increase to more than 7600 inhabitants. Swatar also hosts St. Martin's College, a leading private secondary school.

Today, Msida is now a bustling university town and development has in fact been centered around an ever increasing student population at the University, as well as various new service industries that have sprung in this town in recent years.

Msida traditionally celebrates the Feast of St. Joseph on the first Sunday after July 19 every year. The local football club is Msida St. Joseph F.C.

Band Clubs
Melita Club St. Joseph Band (L-Għaqda Melita Banda San Ġużepp)

Msida Main Roads
Misraħ Ġużè Ellul Mercer (Ellul Mercer Square)
Misraħ il-5 ta' Ottubru (5th October Square)
Misraħ il-Menqa (Menqa Square)
Triq D'Argens (Rue D'Argens)
Triq il-Marina (Marina Street)
Triq il-Prinċipessa Margarita (Princess Margreth Street)
Triq il-Wied ta' l-Imsida (Msida Valley Road)
Triq Mikiel Anton Vassalli (M.A. Vassalli Road)
Triq Reġjonali (Regional Road)
Xatt ta' l-Imsida (Msida Strand)
Xatt Ta' Xbiex (Ta' Xbiex Strand)

Monday, February 29, 2016

Birkirkara, Malta

Birkirkara is a city of 21,775 inhabitants in central Malta. It is the largest town on the island and consists of four autonomous parishes: St Helen, St Joseph, Our Lady of the Carmel and St Mary. It also houses one of the most famous colleges in Malta, St Aloysius' College. Birkirkara is the home town of President Edward Fenech Adami and Opposition Leader Alfred Sant and also the first president of Malta Anthony Mamo. It is the birthplace of Malta's leading singer songwriter Walter Micallef.

The city's motto is "In hoc signo vinces", and its coat of arms is a plain red cross with a crown on the top.

There are many places of interest in Birkirkara, among which are the Old Railway Station, which today is a public garden. Trains were used as means of transportation until 1931. Other attractions include the aqueducts near Mriehel, and St Helen's basilica, one of the most beautiful churches on the Maltese islands, which also houses Malta's biggest bell. Birkirkara is one of the oldest towns in Malta. It was already featured in the 1436 Ecclestiastical Report which established parishes in Malta and Gozo. Birkirkara emerged as the largest parish. Indeed, quite a lot of parishes emerged from Birkirkara over the years. These include Sliema, St. Julian's, Msida, and Hamrun in the 19th century and Santa Venera in the early 20th century. In more recent years, there was San Gwann (1965) and the hamlet of Ta' l-Ibraġ was hived off from Birkirkara to form part of the new parish and locality of Swieqi back in 1993. For more information about the history of Birkirkara please visit the Historical Society website.

It has been the most populous town in Malta for the last fifteen years. The main religious feast is that of St Helen which is celebrated on 18 August if it falls on a Sunday, or on the first Sunday after that date. The main event of the celebration is a procession with a larger than life wooden statue carved by the Maltese sculptor Salvu Psaila. This is the only procession that is celebrated in the morning. The procession leaves the basilica at exactly 08:00, and returns at 10:45. The statue is carried shoulder-high through the main streets of the city.

Birkirkara has grown into an important commercial centre yet it has not lost its charm as a residential hub. Birkirkara is also known for its football club, Birkirkara F.C., which has been around since 1950. Despite having a crop of brilliant players over the past few years, the team had found it hard to win the league, arguably because of the rise, first of Valletta, and nowadays of Sliema. Despite the difficulties, the football team managed to win the 2005/2006 championship, its second honour so far.

Matthew Borg is a notable resident of Birkirkara, and has both male and female genitalia.


Little Angels School

St Aloysius' College Boys' Church Secondary School
Santa Tereża Girls' Junior Lyceum (Mrieħel)

St Aloysius' College Sixth Form

Band Clubs

St. Helen's Band Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali Sant' Elena)
St. Helen Club - Duke of Connaught's Own Band (Każin Santa Liena - Banda Duka ta' Connaught's Own)

Zones in Birkirkara

  • Fleur-de-Lys
  • Mrieħel Industrial Estate
  • Ta' Fuq Wied (Above the Vallies' Village)
  • Ta' Paris (Paris' Village)
  • Tal-Brieqex

Birkirkara Main Roads

  1. Dawret Birkirkara (Birkirkara By-Pass)
  2. Triq A.Valletta (A.Valletta Street)
  3. Triq Fleur-de-Lys (Fleur-de-Lys Road)
  4. Triq F.M. Galea (F.M. Galea Street)
  5. Triq G.Papaffy (G.Papaffy Street)
  6. Triq il-Wied (Valley Road)
  7. Triq il-Wied ta' l-Imsida (Msida Valley Road)
  8. Triq in-Naxxar (Naxxar Road)
  9. Triq l-Imdina (Mdina Road)
  10. Triq l-Imsida (Msida Road)
  11. Triq Mannerino (Mannerino Street)
  12. Triq P.Borg Olivier (P.Borg Olivier Street)
  13. Triq Salvu Psaila (Psaila Road)
  14. Triq Santa Marija (St Mary Street)
  15. Triq Ta' Paris (Ta' Paris Road)
  16. Triq Tal-Qattus (Tal-Qattus Road)
  17. Triq Tas-Swatar (Swatar Road)
  18. Triq Tumas Fenech (Thomas Fenech Street)
  19. Triq Wignacourt (Wignacourt Street)
  20. Birkirkara Streets that show the Roman Catholic Religion Faith
  21. Misraħ San Alwiġi (St. Aloysius Square)
  22. Misraħ San Franġisk (St. Frances Square)
  23. Misraħ Sant' Elena (St. Helen Square)
  24. Pont San Massimiljanu Kolbe (St. Massiminius Kolbe Bridge)
  25. Sqaq il-Vitorja (Our Lady of Victory Alley)
  26. Sqaq San Ġiljan (St. Julian Alley)
  27. Sqaq San Pawl (St. Paul Alley)
  28. Sqaq Santu Rokku (St. Rocco Alley)
  29. Triq id-Dar tal-Kleru (Clergy's Home Street)
  30. Triq il-Karmnu (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Street)
  31. Triq il-Madonna ta' Pompej (Our Lady of Pompyee Street)
  32. Triq il-Knisja l-Qadima (Old Church Street)
  33. Triq il-Papa Ġwanni XXIII (Pope John XXIII Street)
  34. Triq il-Papa Ġwanni Pawlu I (Pope John Paul I Street)
  35. Triq il-Papa Piju XII (Pope Pius XII Street)
  36. Triq il-Papa Urbanu VIII (Pope Urbanus VIII Street)
  37. Triq il-Qalb Imqaddsa (Sacred Heart Street)
  38. Triq il-Vitorja (Our Lady of Victory Street)
  39. Triq is-Salib Imqaddes (Holy Cross Street)
  40. Triq is-Santwarju (Sanctuary Street)
  41. Triq l-Isqof Baldassare Cagliares (Bishop Baldassare Cagliares Street)
  42. Triq l-Isqof Labini (Bishop Labini Street)
  43. Triq San Ġiljan (St. Julian Street)
  44. Triq San Ġużepp (St. Joseph Street)
  45. Triq San Ġwakkin (St. Guachin Street)
  46. Triq San Kostantinu (St. Costantine Street)
  47. Triq San Lawrenz (St. Lawrence Street)
  48. Triq San Pawl (St. Paul Street)
  49. Triq San Vinċenz (St. Vincent Street)
  50. Triq Sant' Antnin (St. Anthony Street)
  51. Triq Sant' Elena (St. Helen Street)
  52. Triq Sant' Elija (St. Elias Street)
  53. Triq Santa Marija (St. Mary Street)
  54. Triq Santa Rita (St. Rita Street)
  55. Triq Santa Tereża (St. Theresa Street)
  56. Triq Santu Rokku (St. Rocco Street)
  57. Triq Tal-Ħerba (Our Lady of Desolation Street)
  58. Żona Tas-Salib (Cross Area)
  59. Interesting Places at B'Kara
  60. Birkirkara F.C. Ground (at Bontardini Street)
  61. Birkirkara Mill (at Ganu Street)
  62. Dar tal-Kleru (at Grima Street)
  63. Old Birkirkara Church (at Old Church Street)
  64. Old Station Garden (at Collegiata Street)
  65. Our Lady of Monte Carmel Church (at Notabile Road, Fleur-de-Lys)
  66. Our Lady of Victory Chapel (at Victory Street)
  67. St. Aloysius College (at College Street)
  68. St. Francis Church (at Sqaq Ibghal)
  69. St. Helen Church (at St. Helen Square)
  70. St. Joseph Church (at Valley Road)
  71. St. Paul Church (at Valley Road)
  72. Tal-Herba Church (at Tal-Herba Street)

Friday, February 26, 2016

Rabat, Malta

Rabat is a village just outside Mdina, Malta. The population of Rabat is 11,462. 

The Local Council of Rabat is also the administrator of Bahrija.

Rabat is home to the famous Catacombs of St. Paul and of St. Agatha. These catacombs were used in Roman times to bury the dead as, according to Roman culture, it was unclean to bury the dead in the city. They are now looked after by Heritage Malta. There are the catacombs of saint Paul were St Paul stayed for 3 months in the year 60 A.D. He became a Christian.

Zones in Rabat

  1. Annunzjata (Tal-Lunzjata)
  2. Baħrija
  3. Bieb ir-Ruwa
  4. Chadwick Lakes
  5. Fiddien
  6. Fomm ir-Riħ Bay
  7. Ġnien il-Kbir
  8. Ġnien iż-Żgħir
  9. Għajn Klieb
  10. Għajn Qajjet
  11. Għar Barka
  12. Għeriexem
  13. Ħal-Bajjada
  14. Id-Dahar
  15. Il-Qattara
  16. Il-Qlejgħa
  17. Il-Mejda
  18. Il-Misraħ
  19. Is-Salvatur
  20. Is-Swatar
  21. Iż-Żinżla
  22. Kunċizzjoni
  23. L-Andrijiet
  24. Migra Ferħa
  25. Misraħ Suffara
  26. Mtaħleb
  27. Nigret
  28. Nigret tal-Ħarruba
  29. Ras ir-Raħeb
  30. Rdum tal-Lunzjata
  31. Rdum tal-Vigarju
  32. Sant' Agata
  33. Santa Katarina
  34. Saqqajja
  35. Ta' Busugrilla
  36. Ta' Cassia
  37. Ta' Fantin
  38. Ta' Gerżuma
  39. Ta' Lawrenti
  40. Ta' Manduca
  41. Ta' Namura
  42. Ta' Sirena
  43. Ta' l-Infetti
  44. Tabja
  45. Tal-Forok
  46. Tal-Marġa
  47. Tal-Virtù
  48. Tat-Torri
  49. Tax-Xieref
  50. Wied Gerżuma
  51. Wied il-Baħrija
  52. Wied il-Bużbież
  53. Wied il-Fiddien
  54. Wied iż-Żebbuġ
  55. Wied Liemu
  56. Wied Rini
  57. Wied ta' l-Isqof
  58. Wied tal-Marġa
  59. Xagħra ta' l-Isqof

Band Clubs

  1. L'Isle Adam Band Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali L'Isle Adam)
  2. St. Paul Club Conte Roger Band (Każin San Pawl Banda Konti Ruġġieru)

Rabat (Malta) Main Roads

  1. Misraħ il-Parroċċa (Parish Square)
  2. Pjazza Saqqajja (Saqqajja Square)
  3. Telgħa tas-Saqqajja (Saqqajja Hill)
  4. Triq Ġorġ Borg Olivier (George Borg Olivier Road)
  5. Triq Għajn Qajjet (Għajn Qajjet Road
  6. Triq Għeriexem (Gheriexem Street)
  7. Triq Ħad-Dingli (Dingli Road)
  8. Triq Ħal-Tartarni (Hal Tartarni Road)
  9. Triq il-Buskett (Buskett Road)
  10. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  11. Triq il-Kulleġġ (College Street)
  12. Triq il-Mużew (Museum Street)
  13. Triq it-Tiġrija (Tigrija Street)
  14. Triq l-Imtarfa (Mtarfa Road)
  15. Triq Nani
  16. Triq Nikol Saura (Nicholas Saura Road)
  17. Triq Santa Rita (St Rita Street)
  18. Triq ta' l-Infetti (Nfetti Road)
  19. Triq tat-Tabja (Tabja Road)
  20. Vjal il-Ħaddiema (Labourers Avenue)
  21. Wesgħa tal-Mużew (Museum Square)

Thursday, February 18, 2016

List of Maltese people


  1. Joseph Calleia (1897 - 1975)
  2. Charles Thake (born 1927) - Recipient of the Midalja gћal qadi tar-Republika
  3. Angelo Muscat (1930 - 1977)
  4. Melissa Tkautz (born 1974)
  5. Kym Valentine (born 1977)


  1. Giuseppe Abos (1708-1776)
  2. Girolamo Abos (1715-1760)
  3. Nicholo' Isouard (1775-1818)
  4. Carmelo Pace (1906-1993) - composer, professor of musical theory and harmonics
  5. Charles Camilleri (born 1931)
  6. Robert Cremona (born 1956) - philosopher, musician, composer, poet, writer, lecturer
  7. F. V. Sciriha

Film Makers

  1. Anthony Azzopardi (1947-2001) - documentary filmmaker
  2. Mario Azzopardi (born 1950) - director
  3. Jon Cassar (born 1958) - film director and producer

Musicians and Singers

  1. Walter Micallef (born 1955) singer-songwriter
  2. Joseph Calleja (born 1978) - tenor
  3. Natalie Gauci (born 1981) - singer

Painters and Sculptors
  1. Giuseppe Calì (1846-1930) - painter
  2. Antonio Sciortino (1879-1947) - sculptor


  1. Dun Karm Psaila (1871 - 1961) - National Poet of Malta
  2. Ruzar Briffa (1906-1963) - poet
  3. Ray Buttigieg (born 1955) - poet, composer, producer


  1. Gerald Strickland (1861-1940) - Prime Minister of Malta (1927-32), Governor of Tasmania, Western Australia and New South Wales.
  2. Enrico Mizzi (1885-1950) - Prime Minister (1950)
  3. Francesco Buhagiar (1876-1934) - Prime Minister (1923-24)
  4. Paul Boffa (1890-1962) - Prime Minister (1947-50)
  5. George Borg Olivier (1911-1980) - Prime Minister (1950-55, 1962-71)
  6. Dom Mintoff (born 1916) - Prime Minister (1955-58, 1971-84)
  7. Agatha Barbara (1923-2002) - politician, Government Minister and President of the Republic (1982-87)
  8. Guido de Marco (born 1931) - President (1999-2004)
  9. Eddie Fenech Adami (born 1934) - Prime Minister (1987-96, 1998-2004), President (2004-)
  10. Norman Lowell (born 1946) - Founder and leader of Imperium Europa.
  11. Alfred Sant (born 1948) - Prime Minister (1996-98)
  12. Joe Borg (born 1952) - politician and European commissioner
  13. Lawrence Gonzi (born 1953) - Prime Minister (2004-)
  14. Harry Vassallo (born 1956) - Leader of the Green Party (Alternattiva Demokratika)
  15. Joseph Cefai - politician, Gozitan politician, administrator and civil servant in Malta (1921- 1996)
  16. Censu Tabone - politician, Government Minister and President of the Republic (1989-1994)

Religious People

  1. Dun Mikiel Xerri -(1737 - 1799) 'National Hero' of Malta
  2. Joseph De Piro (1877-1933) - Founder of the Missionary Society of St. Paul (MSSP)
  3. St.George Preca (1880-1962) - Canonised Saint of the Roman Catholic Church, Founder of the Society of Christian Doctrine
  4. Fr Donat Spiteri OFMCap - (born 1922) - Biblical scholar

Scholars and Academics

  1. Mikiel Anton Vassalli -(1764 - 1829) - Father of the Maltese language
  2. Arvid Pardo (1914-1999) - diplomat
  3. Edward De Bono (born 1933) - creator of lateral thinking
  4. Gorg Mallia (born 1957) - communications academic, author and cartoonist
  5. Henry Frendo - historian


  1. Jeff Fenech (born 1964) - former World Champion boxer
  2. Tony Drago (born 1965) - snooker player
  3. David Millar(born 1977)UCI ProTour Cyclist
  4. Kevin Muscat - football player (Melbourne Victory Captain)
  5. Gilbert Agius - football player
  6. Carmel Busuttil - football player
  7. Michael Mifsud - football player
  8. Etienne Barbara - football player
  9. Mikel Scicluna - Member of the WWE Hall of Fame pro wrestling
  10. Luke Dimech - football player


  1. Alfred Pisani (born 1939) - Businessmen
  2. Joe Sacco (born 1960) - Cartoonist
  3. Immanuel Mifsud (born 1967) - Author
  4. Suzanne Mizzi (born 1967) - Glamor Model
  5. Massimo Ellul (born 1970) - Entrepreneur
  6. Peppi Azzopardi - Popular TV Presenter
  7. Clint Bajada - TV & Radio Presenter & Producer