Thursday, September 22, 2016

Cospicua experiences

Cospicua, is a title given to the city of Bormla as it is known to the Maltese. It is a double-fortified harbour city on the Mediterranean island of Malta. It is the largest of the Three Cities. It was also given a title as Citta' Cottonera, but erroneously the title is now used to define the whole region. It is situated between the other two towns which make up Cottonera which are Vittoriosa (Birgu) and Senglea (Isla). These three towns form part of the area surrounding the Grand Harbour and are found on the eastern side of the capital city Valletta. Its population is of 5,642 .

Cospicua celebrates its feast which is held annually on 8 December in honour of the Immaculate Conception.

Cospicua's football team is the St. George's F.C., the oldest on the island. Though the club was officially founded in 1890, documentation shows that by 1885 there were already three football teams at Cospicua.

Tourist attractions

  1. Bir Mula Heritage - an ethnography, social history, anthropology museum and cultural venue
  2. Churches
  3. Fortifications
  4. The Georgian Architecture at the Dock area
  5. Local streets and alleys

Bormla Main Roads

  1. Misraħ Gavino Gulia (Gavino Gulia Square)
  2. Triq il-Ġdida (New Street)
  3. Triq il-Ġublew tal-Fidda (Silver Jubile Street)
  4. Triq il-Kottonera (Cottonera Road)
  5. Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Conception Street)
  6. Triq it-Tliet Ibliet (Three Cities Road)
  7. Triq l-Immakulata (Immacualte Street)
  8. Triq San Franġisk (St Frances Street)
  9. Triq San Gorg (St. George's Street)
  10. Triq San Ġwann t'Għuxa
  11. Triq San Nikola (St Nicholas Street)
  12. Triq San Pawl (St Paul Street)
  13. Triq Santa Tereża (St Theresa Street)
  14. Triq Wiġi Rosato (Luigi Rosato Street)
  15. Xatt ta' Bormla (Cospicua Strand)

Bormla Streets that show the Roman Catholic Faith

  1. Bieb Santa Liena (St. Helen Gate)
  2. Misraħ Santa Margerita (St. Margerith Square)
  3. Sqaq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Alley)
  4. Sqaq l-Erwieħ (Souls Alley)
  5. Sqaq l-Oratorju Nru. 1 u Nru.2 (Oratory Alley No.1 and No.2)
  6. Sqaq San Ġorġ (St. George Alley)
  7. Sqaq San Lazzru (St. Lazzarus Alley)
  8. Sqaq San Mikiel Nru. 1 u Nru.2 (St. Micheal Alley No.1 and No.2)
  9. Sqaq Santa Liena (St. Helen Alley)
  10. Sqaq Santa Tereża (St. Theresa Alley)
  11. Sur San Ġwann (St. John Bastion)
  12. Sur San Klement (St. Clement Bastion)
  13. Sur San Nikola (St. Nicholas Bastion)
  14. Sur San Pawl (St. Paul Bastion)
  15. Sur Santa Liena (St. Helen Bastion)
  16. Triq il-Kampnar (Bell Cot Street)
  17. Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Street)
  18. Triq il-Madonna tal-Grazzja (Our Lady of Graces Street)
  19. Triq il-Pellegrinaġġ (Pilgrimage Street)
  20. Triq is-Sur Notre Dame (Notre Dame Bastion Street)
  21. Triq l-Immakulata (Immaculate Street)
  22. Triq l-Oratorju (Oratory Street)
  23. Triq San Franġisk (St. Frances Street)
  24. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)
  25. Triq San Ġużepp (St. Joseph Street)
  26. Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  27. Triq San Ġwann t'Għuxa (St. John the Baptist Street)
  28. Triq San Lazzru (St. Lazzarus Street)
  29. Triq San Mark (St. Mark Street)
  30. Triq San Mikiel (St. Micheal Street)
  31. Triq San Nikola (St. Nicholas Street)
  32. Triq San Pawl (St. Paul Street)
  33. Triq San Rokku (St. Rocco Street)
  34. Triq Sant' Andrija (St. Andrew Street)
  35. Triq Santa Liena (St. Helen Street)
  36. Triq Santa Margerita (St. Margerith Street)
  37. Triq Santa Marija (St. Mary Street)
  38. Triq Santa Tereża (St. Theresa Street)
  39. Triq tal-Karmnu (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Street)
  40. Wesgħa l-Knisja tan-Nattività (Nativity Church Square)
  41. Żona Fuq San Pawl (Above St. Paul Area)
  42. Żona San Ġwann t'Għuxa (St. John Area)

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