Monday, April 4, 2016

Marsa Malta

Marsa or Il-Marsa is a town in the south of Malta, with a population of 5,389 people. Marsa houses the Malta Shipbuilding, now known as the Malta Shipyards. It also houses the power station, which is one of the major sources of power in the Maltese Islands.

Marsa is also home to a Golf Course, and Horse Race Course.

Band Clubs
Holy Trinity Band Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali Trinità Mqaddsa)
Maria Regina Band Club (L-Għaqda Mużikali Marija Reġina)

Marsa Main Roads
By-Pass tal-Marsa (Marsa By-Pass)
Moll iċ-Ċangaturi (Flagstone Wharf)
Moll tal-Ħatab (Coal Wharf)
Triq Aldo Moro (Trunk Road)
Triq Balbi (Balbi Street)
Triq Belt il-Ħażna (Belt il-Hazna Road)
Triq Ħal-Qormi (Qormi Road)
Triq il-Labour (Labour Road)
Triq il-Marsa (Marsa Road)
Triq il-Palma (Palm Street)
Triq is-Sajjieda (Fishermen Street)
Triq is-Salib tal-Marsa (Marsa's Cross Street)
Triq it-Tiġrija (Racing Street)
Triq l-Ingiered (Ingiered Street)
Triq Tat-Tromba (Tromba Road)
Vjal Diċembru Tlettax (13th December Avenue)

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