Thursday, June 2, 2016

Mosta experiences

Mosta is a town situated in the middle of the island of Malta, to the north-west of Valletta. It has a population of 18,676 people (Nov 2005). In fact a lot of traffic passes through Constitution Street, one of Mosta's main streets which connects the South to the North. Mosta celebrates the feast of Saint Mary the Assumption on the 15th August. This is a very popular feast among the Mostin and tourists alike. Mosta has many legends such as the Mosta Bride (L-Gharusa tal-Mosta) and a lot of historical places such as the Victoria Lines and Medieval chapels. Mosta has its own scouts and girl guides as well as two band clubs (15th August and Santa Marija) and two fire works factories that make spectacular fire works. The main attraction in Mosta is the Rotunda - a huge round church with the third largest unsupported dome in the world.

Mosta Main Roads

  1. Pjazza Kaptan Noel Galea (Captain Noel Galea Square)
  2. Pjazza Rotunda (Rotunda Square)
  3. Triq C.Dimech (C.Dimech Street)
  4. Triq F.Napuljun Tagliaferro (F.Napolione Tagliaferro Street)
  5. Triq id-Dura (Dura Street)
  6. Triq il-Barrieri (Quarries Street)
  7. Triq il-Belt Valletta (Valletta Road)
  8. Triq il-Bidnija (Bidnija Road)
  9. Triq il-Bistra (Bistra Road)
  10. Triq il-Fortizza tal-Mosta (Mosta Fort Street)
  11. Triq il-Kbira (Main Street)
  12. Triq il-Kostituzzjoni (Constitution Street)
  13. Triq il-Kungress Ewkaristiku (Euacharistic Congress Street)
  14. Triq il-Midbaħ (Midbah Street)
  15. Triq il-Missjunsarji Maltin (Maltese Missioners Street)
  16. Triq il-Pont (Bridge Street)
  17. Triq l-Assemblea Nazzjonali
  18. Triq l-Imsiebaħ (Partner Street)
  19. Triq l-Oratorju (Oratory Street)
  20. Triq Sant' Antnon Abati (St Anthony Abbot Street)
  21. Triq Santa Margarita (Santa Margarita Road)
  22. Triq Tal-Bistra (Tal-Bistra Road)
  23. Triq Ponsonby (Ponsonby street)
  24. Vjal il-Qalbiena Mostin (Mosta's Heros Street)
  25. Vjal l-Indipendenza (Independence Avenue)
  26. Vjal Millbrae (Millbrae Avenue)

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