Friday, April 8, 2016

Żurrieq Malta

Żurrieq or Iż-Żurrieq is one of the oldest towns in Malta, and has a population of 9,816. Żurrieq is situated in the South of Malta. It became a parish in 1436 dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria. The island of Filfla is administratively a part of the town.

Żurrieq is part of the Fifth political District and votes for the local council every three years. The council is made up of seven members, one of them is the Mayor of the town. The present Mayor of Żurrieq is Ignatius Farrugia and the Executive Secretary Adrian Mifsud.

Zurrieq is situated six point eight kilometres ( 6.8 km ) in a direct line from the City of Valletta, and features a wide collection of ruins and remains dating back to the Bronze and Punic times, through the Roman, Knights and British eras. Structures dating back to the 15th and 16th century are scattered throughout the village.

The runes have characteristics which identify the various settlements of peoples that inhabited the village area from the Phoenicians to the Carathaginians, Greeks to the Romans. Examples of such remains include the Punic Tower, Xarolla Catacombs, Cart Ruts at 'Tal-Bakkari', and 'Tal-Hlantun Tower'.

Bands and Clubs
St. Catherine V.M. Band Club (Is-Soċjetà Mużikali Santa Katarina V.M.)
Band Queen Victoria (Secondary feast dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel.}

Zones in Żurrieq

  1. Bubaqra
  2. Ħal-Lew
  3. Nigret
  4. Ta' Taħt iċ-Ċint
  5. Ta' Xaqqa
  6. Ta' l-Għerien
  7. Taċ-Ċantar
  8. Tal-Bebbux
  9. Tal-Ġibjun
  10. Wied Ganu
  11. Xarolla

Żurrieq Streets that show the Roman Catholic Religion Faith

  1. Triq Santa Katarina (St. Catherine's Street)
  2. Misraħ San Ġorg (Saint Goerges Square)
  3. Misraħ il-Karmelitani (Carmelites Square)
  4. Sqaq il-Karmnu Nru.1 u Nru.2 (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Alley No.1 and No.2)
  5. Sqaq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Alley)
  6. Sqaq San Anard (St. Leonard Alley)
  7. Sqaq San Bartolimew (St. Bhartolemeo Alley)
  8. Sqaq San Ċiru (St. Ciros Alley)
  9. Sqaq San Edwardu (St. Edward Alley)
  10. Sqaq San Ġakbu (St. James Alley)
  11. Sqaq San Ġużepp (St. Joseph Alley)
  12. Sqaq San Ġwann (St. John Alley0
  13. Trejqa l-Iben il-Ħali
  14. Triq il-Benedittini (Benedictans Street)
  15. Triq il-Karmnu (Our Lady of Monte Carmel Street)
  16. Triq il-Kunċizzjoni (Immaculate Conception Street)
  17. Triq l-Isqof Alpheran (Bishop Alpheran Street)
  18. Triq San Bartilmew (St. Bhartolemeo Street)
  19. Triq San Luqa ( St. Luke Street)
  20. Triq San Bastjan (St. Sebastian Street)
  21. Triq San Ċiru (St. Ciros Street)
  22. Triq San David (St. David Street)
  23. Triq San Ġorġ (St. George Street)
  24. Triq San Ġwann (St. John Street)
  25. Triq San Iljun (St. Lion Street)
  26. Żona Tal-Bambina (The Nativity of Our Lady Area)

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